WhiteSites Blog

The real cause for the Chicago Cubs bankuptcy

Oct 21, 2009 by Paul White

Recently on MSN, there was an article about how the Chicago Cubs have gone bankrupt in order to pay back depts by the Tribune.  It was interesting to see the reasons the author listed as the cause.  However I think there is  lot more to this than most people want to believe.

2140 Visitors
Hacking more storage into your rack server

Hacking more storage into your rack server

Oct 17, 2009 by Paul White

Even though I will be running remote backups, I wanted to make sure I had a little more redundancy than just RAID 10 and remote backups.  So I took it upon myself to figure out how to cram an extra hard drive into an already crowded Server.  This 1U rack server already has 4 x 3.5" hard drives. Now lets see if we can cram a small laptop hard drive into this for a in the box backup storage medium.

8879 Visitors

Rocketraid 4310 Benchmarks RAID 10

Oct 16, 2009 by Paul White

RocketRaid 4310 BenchmarkI finally got my server setup properly and running the way 4 15K SAS drives should in RAID 10.  Thus far I am very happy with the HighPoint RocketRaid 4310.  The benchmarks tell all
4469 Visitors

Tax Time again for 3rd Quarter

Oct 15, 2009 by Paul White

Its tax time again.  At least it is for those of us with our own corporation.  If you have been doing things freelance, or under the table.  Here is an inside look at running your business and how it affects you tax wise.

2022 Visitors

RocketRAID 4310 PCI e x8 problems with SuperMirco Server

Oct 14, 2009 by Paul White

I got my RocketRAid 4310 PCI-e x8 Card today.   This was supposed to give me some excellent speed on my 4 15K SAS drives, allowing me to get this system quickly setup and colocated.  Instead the server doesn't seem to like the card.  Read more for the lastest on my Server Build.

3290 Visitors

How much traffic can a 1u rack Server handle

Oct 8, 2009 by Paul White

Being that I am on the verge of colocating my own box.  This is one of the many questions I have asked myself.  So a little math to determine the theoretical maximums, and some thoughts on how you can built a server that can support them.

3375 Visitors
SuperMico SuperServer giving slow RAID 10 performance

SuperMico SuperServer giving slow RAID 10 performance

Oct 4, 2009 by Paul White

When you go out of your way to build an awesome server,  you demand performance.  4 SAS drives should perform better than a single SATA drive right?  I thought so too.  Not sure if I have something configured wrong, but I have gotten desperate enough to contact SuperMicro about this.  Hopefully they will get back with me soon, as I was hoping to colocate this box by Nov, 1st 2009

14306 Visitors
w3wp.exe using too much memory and resources

w3wp.exe using too much memory and resources

Oct 1, 2009 by Paul White

If you are having problems with the w3wp.exe process using too much memory, I have the solution to your problems.  Not only will this reduce the size of your w3wp.exe but it will also speed up your website and reduce the amount of transfer your site uses. 

294632 Visitors

Colocate your own Server

Sep 29, 2009 by Paul White

You haven't officially earned the title of Nerd, until you own a server, and colocate it. I am 1 month from earning my stripes. Just got a server off ebay, and now I am loading it up, and getting it ready for colocation.  If you ever wanted to know what it takes, my experiences may be of help.

1945 Visitors

SmarterMail 6 Migration Issue with subfolders

Sep 28, 2009 by Paul White

SmarterMail 6If you recently migrated one of your domains to another box running smartermail 6 and you had a problem with email not displaying on the subfolders of your mailbox, then you need to read this blog

5767 Visitors