WhiteSites Blog

Netflix on PS3 review its not pretty

Nov 17, 2009 by Paul White

netflix logoI recently got with netflix after learning about their new service for the PS3 that will stream unlimited movies and shows all for the low price of $8.99 / month.  granted the shows and movies are limited in selection, but what really bugs me is the quality.  Click the read for more.

3736 Visitors

Godaddy Dedicated Server Performance VS Colocated Server Performance

Nov 15, 2009 by Paul White

If you are thinking about getting a dedicated server with Godaddy because of their cheap prices, I understand. But how far will their server really take you?  After dealing with performance issues with godaddy with another client, I build my own server and colocated it.  Then I did some benchmarks comparing the two.  Huge difference. Click read to see the bench marks.

8030 Visitors

How to increase your open rates for your bulk emails

Nov 14, 2009 by Paul White

If you are are like me you have a strong belief that if you want it done right you have to do it yourself.  Running a Mail Server that sends any kind of bulk emails brings many issues that noobie Server Admins don't have a clue about.  I found there wasn't much information about how to properly run a mail server so I thought I would write a complete blog on the issue.  So if you want to greatly increase your open rates, read this

6862 Visitors

Obama is a communication style not an agenda

Nov 13, 2009 by Paul White

No body can argue with the fact that Obama was elected mostly because of his communication style and ability to connect with common folks.  Some people will say he made it to power because of his stance on key issues, or because the mass media often portrayed him in a better light than they did McCain.  Now that he is in power, there is a definite change in the way the he communicates with everyone from the troops to the middle class.

2724 Visitors
Starbucks Pumpkin Loaf vs Kroger Pumpkin Loaf in Bread Maker

Starbucks Pumpkin Loaf vs Kroger Pumpkin Loaf in Bread Maker

Nov 11, 2009 by Paul White

With the Holidays approaching, focus is moving towards decorations and food.  We have a Sunbeam Bread Maker that we haven't used in a while.  I decided that I wanted to try my hand at Baking ( if you can really call it that ).  But the real question is how much money do I save by making my own pumpkin bread, rather than buying it for $2.50 / slice at starbucks. 

8439 Visitors

Must haves for running your Colocated Server

Oct 31, 2009 by Paul White

Getting your own server is not easy, nor is it cheap.  For anyone thinking about it.  Here are some things you will need to make it functional as part of a revenue generator by hosting your client's websites.

3558 Visitors

How to Start a Web Design Business

Oct 29, 2009 by Paul White

Recently a guy was asking me about how to get a web design business off the ground.  Well since I have been doing this for a while I am going to share this with all the noobies out there.  So if you are new the web design, and want to know a good plan for getting your business established read this.

2647 Visitors

ATT wireless IP ranges used on data connections

Oct 28, 2009 by Paul White

I recently had to call in to AT&T to get some information from them.  I was trying to get a static IP for my cell phone's data connection.  They were not able to do this, but they did give me a list of IP ranges their Wireless DATA uses.

10783 Visitors

Why you should buy a server and Colocate

Oct 26, 2009 by Paul White

For years I setup my clients with shared hosting account with either HostMySite ( Hosting.com ) or Godaddy.  I stayed clear of colocating for several reasons, cost, and what if it breaks.  Well I finally got the confidence to colocate my own rack server, and I will say its one of the best decisions I have ever made.

6465 Visitors

Best server colocation in Houston

Oct 24, 2009 by Paul White

Today was proud day for me.  I colocated my first rack server in a datacenter.  The guys at the datacenter were very helpful. If anyone is needing to colocate a server in Houston I highly recommend Acronoc. 

4381 Visitors