WhiteSites Blog
How Microsoft can Redeem itself with Windows 9

How Microsoft can Redeem itself with Windows 9

Dec 12, 2013 by Paul White

Its no secret that I am not a big fan of Windows 8.  20+ years of innovation thrown out the door, because somebody at Microsoft wanted to be cool.  Here is how Microsoft could Redeem themselves with Windows 9.

2850 Visitors
Are USB ASIC miners still worth it?

Are USB ASIC miners still worth it?

Dec 8, 2013 by Paul White

Months ago my ego told me to buy 20 USB ASIC miners, and start mining for bitcoin, but I instead restrained myself from this purchase.  Now looking back I regret not going ahead with my mining operation, as Bitcoin now hovers around $765 each.  At the time I was consideirng this, Bitcoin was around $82 each. But the question still remains.  Is it too late to get into the Bitcoin mining game?
6815 Visitors
Send a Text Message with Twilio using ASP.NET

Send a Text Message with Twilio using ASP.NET

Dec 4, 2013 by Paul White

I recently did a little integration with Twillio for one of my client's websites.  Along the way I had some learning experiences that I thought would be helpful to others.  I found Twilio's Sample code to be a little confusing, and the third party libraries and classes did not work for me.  So I wrote a simple function that sends a text message using twilio.  Hopefully this will help others.
6134 Visitors
How to remove Cryptolock

How to remove Cryptolock

Nov 20, 2013 by Paul White

A new wave of Ransomware has been infecting people's computers.  Its called Cryptolock.  I can show you how to remove it, but not how to restore your files.  For that you need a backup.  Windows Backup works well.  
4434 Visitors

2013 Fall Computer Upgrades

Nov 7, 2013 by Paul White

A few  years back I built my workstation which has evolved a bit.  Even though I would love to build a brand new workstation, I feel my current setup is still plenty fast for what I do, and I am holding off until fall of 2014 before making a major upgrade.
2088 Visitors
Best Haunted Houses in Houston

Best Haunted Houses in Houston

Oct 10, 2013 by Paul White

Before you wait in lines at some Houston's Worst Haunted Houses, I suggest you try Terror Dome First.  This is a real haunted house where people enter excited then come running out with their adrenaline pumping.  
3334 Visitors
What IP Blocks does iContact use

What IP Blocks does iContact use

Sep 11, 2013 by Paul White

Recently I had to whitelist the IP blocks from iContact to ensure their newsletters would get through to my clients.  I had to directly contact iContact to get their IP Blocks, of which they gladly gave me.  I rarely see spam coming off their servers so I felt it was safe to whitelist them on my mail server.
7225 Visitors

How to Fix MySQL Error 10055

Sep 5, 2013 by Paul White

This error recently caused me some stress.  However I found a solution.  If you are running MySQL Server on a Windows Box, I am pretty sure i have the solution for you.  So if your web server is kicking out errors like this

ERROR HY000 MySQLODBC 5.1 DriverCan't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10055) ERROR HY000 MySQLODBC 5.1 DriverCan't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10055)

Read this for the solution
32280 Visitors

Why does Original Content matter with blogging?

Aug 22, 2013 by Paul White

One thing that websites and blogs often forget is that Original Content matters.  So before you go off blogging about your thoughts on the new Iphone 6, Galaxy S5, or Windows 9, stop and look at the competition for these topics, and focus on something specific, local, and interesting to people.  In this blog I give some examples of good and bad blog topics.
6071 Visitors
The best Sushi in Pearland, TX

The best Sushi in Pearland, TX

Aug 10, 2013 by Paul White

My wife and I finally found the time to go out for sushi.  We found ourselves in the Pearland Town Center, eating at Shogun Grill & Sushi Bar.  It was about 9PM on a Thursday night.  We sat down in a cozy booth.  I was surprised with the best Spicy Salmon Rolls I have ever eaten.  Read more for the full review.
8310 Visitors