WhiteSites Blog

ABCPDF error Failed to configure IE 9 or above for the MSHtml engine

Jul 6, 2014 by Paul White

I recently built a new server, and have been slowly migrating all my sites from my old box to the new one.  Some of the sites were built using third party components to do things like generate PDF documents.  ABCPDF by websupergoo, was one of the components I was using.  Unfortunately Version 6 of the component, does not play nice with Windows Server 2012 R2.  So I was forced to upgrade to the latest Version 9.1.  After installing the component I still was getting an error message.  Here is the fix.

18195 Visitors

Why Cloud hosting is not the value it seems

Jun 22, 2014 by Paul White

These days hosting providers are pushing their cloud offerings.  To the average consumer cloud hosting seems perfect. You only pay for the hardware you need, and when you need to expand its just a matter of your hostin g provider reallocating resources to your node on the cloud.  Then you also have the high availability and fault tollerance.  But one place clouds fail is in performance.  

2343 Visitors
How to test your fax machine when nobody has a fax machine

How to test your fax machine when nobody has a fax machine

May 29, 2014 by Paul White

Recently I had to write a script that would connect to our VOIP provider and send a fax via their web form. The idea was to elminate the additional steps of logging into their system, navigating to the "Send a Fax" section then filling out the form and clicking send.  However once I had a script written I needed to test it.  Unfortunately nobody these days has a fax machine.  Thankfully I found a website that helped me out.

4688 Visitors
Houston Stripclubs prepare for OTC

Houston Stripclubs prepare for OTC

Apr 22, 2014 by Paul White

OTC is the Offshore Technology Conference.  Its a place where Energy professionals get to show off their latest stuff, and rub sholders with like minded individuals.  This is not just a conference for people in the US, but for people all over the world.  This is also known as Christmas for Houston's Stripclubs.

4241 Visitors

How Virtual Companies will Bankrupt America

Apr 2, 2014 by Paul White

Since I started working on websites some 15+ years ago, I have witnessed a huge change in technology which has taken the power away from the traditional larger companies and moved it to smaller companies.  However what I see is the potential for these smaller virtual companies to eventually bankrupt most large Municipalities. 

2050 Visitors
Best Burger in Houston Review

Best Burger in Houston Review

Feb 18, 2014 by Paul White

Years ago a buddy of mine called me and said he was going to open a dive bar in midtown, and asked me to do the website for it.  This bar was Saint Danes located in Midtown Houston.  Until last weekend I had never eaten there.  He always encouraged me to come down, but my busy schedule always got in the way.  So after eating there I can honestly say they have the best Burger I have ever eaten.  Keep in mine I have tried burgers everywhere in Houston, including a few local stripclubs (which take pride in their food).  Saint Dane's has the best hands down.

2870 Visitors
Excellent Mediterranean Restaurant in Pearland Texas

Excellent Mediterranean Restaurant in Pearland Texas

Dec 22, 2013 by Paul White

If you are a fan of Mediterranean Style Food, like Gyros, then you need to checkout Cafe Taraiz in Pearland

3673 Visitors
PowerWheels Jeep Restoration Project 36 Volt Modified

PowerWheels Jeep Restoration Project 36 Volt Modified

Dec 22, 2013 by Paul White

One day my wife came home with a surprise.  While driving home she noticed one of the houses down the street had put a powerwheels vehicle out to the curb on trash day with a sign that said "FREE".  She quickly loaded it into the back of her car, and brought it home. Of course being it was destined for the trash, I figured it was going to be missing something important to function.  This story chronicles the Restoration of this PowerWheels Jeep to is former glory, and then beyound.

71526 Visitors
Why Annise Parker's Deal with Houston Stripclubs was the right Decision.

Why Annise Parker's Deal with Houston Stripclubs was the right Decision.

Dec 13, 2013 by Paul White

Annise Parker is a democrat which means I typically don't agree with her on much.  However with dealing with Houston's Human Trafficking problems, and Stripclub regulation, she made the right decision.  Many of the Bible Beaters are outraged by her decision.  Their goals would be to remove all Sin from Houston.  I see it in another light.

13648 Visitors
Considering an LTO Tape Drive for Backups

Considering an LTO Tape Drive for Backups

Dec 12, 2013 by Paul White

As I recently made some upgrades to my computer, I have started to realize that I might need a enterprise grade backup solution.  This doesn't mean shuttling the 4TB of data to the cloud.  This means something other than my Raid 5 hard disk array.  This has lead me to consider Tape as a cost effective backup solution.  In this article I explore the various options for Tape backup and their associated costs.

2798 Visitors