WhiteSites Blog

Why does Original Content matter with blogging?

Posted on Aug 22, 2013 by Paul White

One thing that websites and blogs often forget is that Original Content matters.  So before you go off blogging about your thoughts on the new Iphone 6, Galaxy S5, or Windows 9, stop and look at the competition for these topics, and focus on something specific, local, and interesting to people.  In this blog I give some examples of good and bad blog topics.

What is Original Content?

Original Content is content that you wrote and is not just regergitated from another website.  This could be a review on a product or service.  It could be a tutorial on how to do something.  Or it could be a collection of photos you took.  

Focusing on the right type of Original Content

Before you run off and write a review on some tech gadget, realize that there are already a thousand sites doing that.  Which means competition for traffic is going to be fierce.  Plus if you reivew technology the article will have a very short lifespan.  6 Months from now nobody cares about the device you reviewed because the next greatest thing has already replaced it.  

If you like to blog just to read your own thoughts, then fine.  But most blogs has great ambitions, such as generating a little revenue from those Google Ads.  In this case your goal is to write about topics which will still be getting traffic years from now.  

Topic Suggestions for a good blog

Targeting a niche market, such as a non mainstream product or service.  Or something that is physically local to you can be a great place to start.

Example 1
I wrote a review about a sushi place in Pearland.
In this blog I included my thoughts on the service, the food and included photos of the venue.
This is a good topic because its local, and its about something people are still going to be looking for 10 years from now.  

Example 2
I wrote a review comparing the various Bitcoin Mining Hardware.
In this blog I provided photos and specs of the various options and included a chart.
This is a good topic, because bitcoin is going to be around for sometime, but as hardware progresses, my article will become dated, meaning its not going to have the best life span.

Example 3
Review on Supertuck Gun Holster
In this blog I review a IWB holster for a glock 17
Guns will be around for a long time, and holster tech is not going to advance that much over the next 10 years.  As more people get into Concealed Carry, they will be searching for ways to holster their guns.

Example 4
Review on HighPoint RocketRaid 4520
In this blog I do a full writeup benchmarking a raid card using various SSD setups.  Even though you might find similar reviews on other tech sites.  This card seemed to not have any reviews for it.  Plus Discussing a $500 Raid card is bound to draw some higher paying Ads from Google.  Server Raid cards dont' advance quite like other computer hardware, so this review should have a decent life span.

Final thoughts on writing good blog articles

Take your time.  Don't try to rush together an article.  Take pride in your work.  Provide good detailed photos and lots of them.  Charts, and Tabled Data is good too.  Be objective.  State facts, try to stay on topic.  Think of the kinds of questions people might have, try to incorporate the answers.  Finally don't expect to go viral tomorrow.  From what I have found it can take a few months before some of my blogs realy picked up steam.  If you want them to grow faster you will need to submit links on other website and forums pushing people and Search Engines back to your blog.
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