WhiteSites Blog

Ways to make money without work

Aug 4, 2013 by Paul White

Everyone wants to get rich, but nobody wants to work.  Its the American Way.  So for the vast majority of us we are in constant search of the magical money tree.  Something that takes little effort to get started, but will pay you dividends forever.  In this article I review some of the ideas for making money without working, and whether or not they are a viable option.
6185 Visitors
31256961 Bitcoin Difficulty takes Wind out of Network Sails

31256961 Bitcoin Difficulty takes Wind out of Network Sails

Jul 22, 2013 by Paul White

For a brief moment in time, the Network's Hashing power was getting close to 280 Thps.  Bitcoin had its biweekly reset of the difficulty level.  From the looks of it, this has eliminated any profitability of smaller scale GPU based mining operations.
13247 Visitors

What does it take to mine 1 Bitcoin?

Jul 19, 2013 by Paul White

When you are considering upgrading your computer's hardware in an attempt to mine for Bitcoin, one the firs tthings you want to know is how much processing power does it take to mine a single Bitcoin, and how long will it take?  I have worked the numbers based on the current difficultly level.
18183 Visitors
GPU miners vs USB ASIC Miners for Bitcoin

GPU miners vs USB ASIC Miners for Bitcoin

Jul 17, 2013 by Paul White

When you first start getting into the bitcoin mining business, you have two choices to make.  Should I build a GPU based system with several graphics cards, or should I just buy a bunch of USB ASIC Block Erupters?  The Answer lies in how commited you want to be to mining bitcoin, and how much faith you have in this crypto currency.
80500 Visitors

The only way to win at Bitcoin is to Program your own FPGA

Jul 15, 2013 by Paul White

I just can't stop thinking about Bitcoin.  Its sounds great doesn't it.  You just run some software 247 and you make money.  But I have come ot the conclusion that the only way to get rich with Bitcoin is to take things into your own hands.
9514 Visitors
Is Bitcoin still profitable with ASIC miners?

Is Bitcoin still profitable with ASIC miners?

Jul 12, 2013 by Paul White

When I first heard about the crypto currency.  My first thought was biggest ponzi scheme ever.  But after some research I have a better understanding of how it works.  I even have started mining for bitcoin just for fun.  But the biggest question you have to ask  yourself.  Can you really make money mining for Bitcoin?
17140 Visitors
Graphics Card for the Fastest Rendering in Sony Vegas Pro 12

Graphics Card for the Fastest Rendering in Sony Vegas Pro 12

Jun 26, 2013 by Paul White

If you read my previous article, you already know I tried upgrading to dual GeForce GTX 650 Ti BOOST Video Cards, in an attempt to dramatically cut down the time to render 1080P Video using Sony Vegas Pro 12.  To make a long story short, the cards did not perform as expected.  You might have read other tutorials showing you how to encode faster, but these usually include reduced settings ( using 720P instead of 1080 P ) and reduced frame rates as well.  Join me on my quest to find the most powerful video card that Sony Vegas 12 Pro will actually utlize.
35837 Visitors
Sony Vegas Encoding Performance CPU vs GPU

Sony Vegas Encoding Performance CPU vs GPU

Jun 21, 2013 by Paul White

Recently I started doing more video work thanks to my new Sony a99.  However after shooting video I needed to add a few overlays ( logos, descriptions ) and then encode it.  At this point I realized that my 3 year old first generation Intel Core i7 Chip wasn't really up to the task of encoding HD video in any reasonable amount of time.  So instead I used my graphics cards ( Nvidia Geforce 9800 GT ) to do the heavy lifting.  The result was a drastic improvement in speed.  But still not quite as fast as I would like.  So how can we make it even faster?

25062 Visitors
Sony a99 high ISO RAW vs JPG Review

Sony a99 high ISO RAW vs JPG Review

Jun 10, 2013 by Paul White

On this article I take my Sony a99 and compare the RAW photos against the JPG photos.  When taking photos with high ISO settings its nice to see how much of the performance is due to the Full Frame Sensor, and how much is due to the camera's built in post processing, DRO and Noise Correction.
5605 Visitors
Sony a99 SLT vs a900 DSLR Low Light Performance Review

Sony a99 SLT vs a900 DSLR Low Light Performance Review

Jun 2, 2013 by Paul White

I recently upgraded from a Sony a900 DSLR to the Sony a99 SLT.  The primary reason for my upgrade was because I needed to do HD video work, but I also needed a camera that would perform well in low light.  I have a lot of clients who are in the nightclub and entertainment industry.  Having a camera that can capture the mood of a low lite atmoshere is very important.  

Of course before I started doing video work, my primary concern was low light performance, and the biggest question I had was how big of a difference is there between the low light High ISO performance of the Sony a900 and the Sony a99.  To summarize there is a huge difference, and I feel the upgrade was worth every penny.  Read more for detailed side by side shots.
5401 Visitors