WhiteSites Blog

Why Happiness equals Success

Jul 5, 2010 by Paul White

Once again I find myself contemplating the meaning of life.  I honestly can say that this kind of thinking doesn't happen to a person until they father a child.  So in this blog I go through all the examples of why Happiness equals Success.

3587 Visitors

How to change your outlook in life.

Jul 3, 2010 by Paul White

Everyday we are exposed to the biased views and opinions of other people.  This in turn causes us to reevaluate how we live our own life, and question our own thoughts and opinions.  Even though its important to keep an open mind,  living in fear never got anyone ahead.  In this blog I discuss how the world around us has changed and the impact its having on people, who might need to just turn the TV off.

2778 Visitors

Setting the record straight

Jun 30, 2010 by Paul White

Recently I was talking to some friends and family, and I came to notice there are an increasing number of people who are getting sucked into this Modern Hippie Lifestyle, doing things in total disregard for capitalism.  So in this blog I will list out all the things I see people do and point out why I disagree or agree with it.
3051 Visitors
T-Mobile Houston 3G network gets boost in Pearland

T-Mobile Houston 3G network gets boost in Pearland

Jun 23, 2010 by Paul White

Today my Comcast Cable Modem Service went out again.  So I plugged my HTC HD2 phone into my desktop via the USB cable, loaded up Internet Sharing and started tethering.  In the past I would get terrible speeds ( mostly due to not being able to get a strong enough 3G signal.  If I was at home, I was on Edge ( 14KB - 20KB ) transfers at best.  If I was near the towers the speeds were better, but they still couldn't touch AT&T's HSDPA.  So today when I plugged my phone into workstation I wasn't expecting anything special.  But instead I got a big surprise. 3.53 Mb/s downstream, 1.44 Mb/s Upstream via tethering with my HD2 on the Tmobile 3G network in Pearland ( Houston )

3653 Visitors
Club Coppia Houston Night Club Review and Photos

Club Coppia Houston Night Club Review and Photos

Jun 21, 2010 by Paul White

Club Coppia Houston NightClub
Over the weekend I visited Club Coppia.  One of my clients had a promotion going on, so I got a spend a little quality time with my clients, as well as get some pictures of their club.  Coppia is a rare gem in the Houston nightclub scene. 

8 Photos
23996 Visitors

Why Apple is OverValued and the IPhone 4 will be its demise

Jun 9, 2010 by Paul White

Apple LogoBefore I get a flood of Apple Fans emailing me, and telling me to go F myself, please read my complete blog in detail before you jump to conclusions.  To make a long blog post short, I feel that Apple has finally hit a point where its getting too much media attention.  This attention will create unrealistic expectations for both consumers and investors.  As a result I feel their stock is overvalued.  The price is currently being driven by speculators who are making decisions by pure emotion and hype rather than looking at the fundamentals of Apple as a company.

4305 Visitors
Chrome HTC HD2 Battery Cover Tutorial

Chrome HTC HD2 Battery Cover Tutorial

May 26, 2010 by Paul White

HTC HD2 Chrome Battery Cover In this tutorial I will take you step by step through the process required for Polishing your HTC HD2 Battery cover into a perfect Chrome like Mirrored finish.

63063 Visitors
Clear Wireless provides honest coverage maps

Clear Wireless provides honest coverage maps

May 25, 2010 by Paul White

For those of you who are not familiar with Clear, clear is a wireless provider that bought the WiMAX 4G spectrum quite a while ago.  Today I got a promotional advertisement in the mail for Clear.  Being an heavy user of wireless services I am always looking to save some money or up my performance, so I did a little research, and was impressed with what I found.

3702 Visitors

Website Security Tip remove catch all bindings

May 23, 2010 by Paul White

A few months ago I noticed that one of my clients websites seemed to be getting spikes of traffic.  However with spikes in traffic most clients would report an increase in sales or business.  When looking at the stats server, the requests were for pages and files that were not even on the server, and were for technologies ( PHP ) that I do not run on m box.  If you see requests for files like /prx2.php, /phpmyadmin/config/config.inc.php, /roundcubemail/readme, or /webmail/readme.  You might want to read this article.

5047 Visitors

Moving from ATT to T-Mobile

May 17, 2010 by Paul White

T-Mobile WirelessAT&T WirelessSprint Wireless

In the highly competitive world of wireless service anytime a customer moves from one carrier to another, people want to know why.  I have had a good run with AT&T, but the lure of faster devices, and a more stable network have finally driven me to switch.  In this article I will list in detail my experiences, and hopes.

5225 Visitors