WhiteSites Blog
Threadripper build parts start to arrive

Threadripper build parts start to arrive

Aug 11, 2017 by Paul White

My Parts order from New Egg has started to arrive.  I am still waiting on the Case, Motherboard, and Power Supply.  After realising that newegg had taken lots of pre-orders for their ASUS ROG ZENITH motherboard. I decided to cancel my order, and get the MSI board instead.

2174 Visitors
ASUS ROG ZENITH Extreme sTR4 Motherboard on back order

ASUS ROG ZENITH Extreme sTR4 Motherboard on back order

Aug 10, 2017 by Paul White

I remember when the Ryzen 7 CPUs came out, and how all the higher end motherboards seemed to be on back order for months.  So far everything for my workstation has shipped, even the Threadripper 1950x CPU, but my motherboard is labeled as Pre-Order on newegg's order page.  A little worried as its labeled on Newegg's website as out of stock. 

2225 Visitors
AMD Threadripper Workstation build

AMD Threadripper Workstation build

Aug 9, 2017 by Paul White

Its been a long time coming.  Finally building a new workstation.  I have done the whole wait and see for years now, and finally I feel like a CPU that won't be replaced any time soon is here.  I have jumped both feet in with AMD's new Threadripper CPU with a monster build.  

2522 Visitors

Google Employees views are something to think about

Aug 7, 2017 by Paul White

Recently the media has been in a firestore over some Google Employees Memo in which they question the practice of programs that outreach to minorities and women in an attempt to increase their numbers in Tech Jobs.  Here are my views.

1648 Visitors

Intel Core i9 vs AMD Threadripper

Jul 18, 2017 by Paul White

Finally AMD and Intel are again competing for consumers business.  Intel has released its Core i9, which was previously its Extreme Edition CPUs, and AMD is about to release Threadripper its scaled out version of Ryzen.  My First generation Intel I7 no longer cuts it, especially after upgrading to windows 10.  Even upgrading the air cooler and overclocking it from 2.6 Ghz to 3.6 Ghz is not enough.  Editing 4K video is near impossible.  So I am ready to build a new workstation.  I have had my eye on the latest from AMD and Intel, and I think I have mde up my mind.

1807 Visitors
How Tough is the DJI Mavic Pro Drone

How Tough is the DJI Mavic Pro Drone

Jun 8, 2017 by Paul White

I recently bought a DJI Mavic Pro Drone.  Plan was to use it for Ariel Photography and video for both personal and commercial purposes.  Yesterday I was testing some of the advanced fetures like tracking, and I ended up running my drone into a light pole.  After that all I can say is Mavic Pro is one tough drone.

1796 Visitors
Nike Air Max 2016 Covered by Warranty

Nike Air Max 2016 Covered by Warranty

Feb 17, 2017 by Paul White

I bought a pair of Nike Air Max 2016 a little under 2 years ago.  They have been great, with the exception of the Fly Wires.  Which seem to have a design flaw, causing them to break.  To me this didn't seem like normal wear and tear, So I did some research and found that Nike does have a warranty on their shoes.

20221 Visitors

The problem with Liberal ideals on Womens Health Issues

Jan 25, 2017 by Paul White

With Trump now in charge.  Liberals are attacking him from every angle.  One issue that Liberals often bring up is womens access to healthcare.   It would see that when all these liberals were getting their Liberal Arts degrees, a course on economics was never a pre-requisite to graduate.  So let me explain the basics of economics and how it relates to healthcare.

1900 Visitors

Where Google Project Fi Sucks

Dec 13, 2016 by Paul White

I have learned the hard way where project Fi sucks.  After being a happy customer for about 1 month,  I decided it was time to get my wife switched over.  Here is where things start to go south.

6131 Visitors

Does Google Fi Cell Phone Service work in Lincoln Nebraska

Nov 17, 2016 by Paul White

Before the move I had been a relatively happy customer with T-Mobile.  Unlimited everything, though it was costing me about $90 / month.  Unfortunately T-Mobile doesn't have towers in Nebraska, so the coverage sucks!. So I have decided to give Google Fi a try. 

3802 Visitors