Normally when a web server goes down you would think its from something major, like a power outage, or a disk failure. In my case it was a failing 2.5" 2TB WD Green drive. In case anyone else has failing server, this might help you.
Over the holiday Weekend I got a chance to spend some quality time with family. The topics ranged from cars, to investing. On the investing topic I shared my thoughts on crypto, which is always a huge risk being most people not in crypto have a hard time getting their heads around the concept. My Uncle was more for slow and steady investing using high value stocks that pay dividends. He had a great advice, but ultimately the returns from componding Dividents from ATT Stock doesn't come anywhere close to crypto. I decided to work the math to give an example.
Even though the estimates are all over the place we an make some predictions based on performance of past models.
Over time Bitcoin has gone from being a highly decentralized network with thousands of computers mining for coins, to the consolidation of miners into pools, then finally the mega mining farms running ASIC hardware. The result is Bitcoins are now mined by only a handful of pools. This brings increasing risk to the network, as all it takes is for a major player to be taken out and the bitcoin network would stall.
Just a little advice for you guys out there that might over load your washer.... Don't! I learned this the hardway when our LG Washer grenaded itself during the spin cycle. What wonder piece of laundry was responsible for this? Our water proof mattress protector. Let me explain.
As more time goes by the difficulty to mine bitcoin gets higher. Difficulty ultimately determines how much electricity its going to take to mine a single Bitcoin. Using's ASIC page I calculated that anyone with electricity that costs more than 26 cents per KWH is now spending more to mine, than they are earning.
Gamers want to know when Miners will stop hogging all the GPUs. Here is your answer.
I can't believe the amount of time I have wasted to discover this. I recently decided to upgrade one of my computers from the EVGA 1300 G2 Power Supply to the EVGA 1600 G2 Power Supple. I just swapped the supplies and the system booted right up. Then a couple weeks later I decided to put my old 1300 G2 into a new build, and it would boot.
Bitcoin has rised to $6000 a coin. This has encouraged many in the investment community to label it as a bubble that is backed by nothing. Yes I haven't heard a single person from the tech industry with the same view. Lets for a second pretend that one day Bitcoin Crashed. I don't mean a sudden short term drop in value, I am talking that the market for bitcoin was absolutely destroyed. where your bitcoins were worth absolutely nothing. What would happen to everyone who was benefiting from bitcoin.
I am going to start a new series of blogs dedicated to my 1997 Honda Prelude. Lets call it the adventures of owning a 20 year old Honda. This weeks blog takes us into repairing the Power Steering Hose on the high pressure side.