Dec 20, 2008 by Paul White
I first started making websites using frontpage, then I started using dreamweaver, and life was good. This was back in the days when dreamweaver was run by macromedia. Back when Dreamweaver was in version 4.0 ( way back ). Well on the latest release of CS4 I guess Adobe decided that it was better to not provide any support for .NET guys like myself than to provide support for older ASP.NET 1.1 components. I recently updated to CS4 only to discover this after the fact. To say the lease it was not a good day.
10231 Visitors
Dec 19, 2008 by Paul White
With the huge disappointment of Windows Vista. Microsoft needs to make waves with the highly anticipated Windows 7 OS. There have been several rumors, some of which could have a huge impact on sales for hardware manufacturers. Keep in mind there are just rumors. But if true Microsoft may been a good company to invest come June 2009.
Dec 19, 2008 by Paul White
If you are using MySQL 5.1 ( the latest and greatest stable version as of this posting ) then you are sure to learn the hard way that the dump files from a MySQL 5.1 DB do not restore to a MySQL 5.0 installation. Of course when you go to MySQL's website they don't give you a very straight forward answer. Her is the easy fix for this issue.
Dec 18, 2008 by Paul White
Normally I am pretty anti GM. But a few years ago Cadillac had this concept car. It was rumored to be the replacement for the XLR. If GM has the intent of actually bringing this car into production, then by all means keep them in business.
4416 Visitors
Dec 17, 2008 by Paul White
Now that you have your awesome new core i7 workstation ( like me ), its a shame that whenever you look at task manager you rarely see your 8 processing threads being utilized. Well if you are one of those people that prefer your 4 cores not being hanging around the water cooler all day ( System Idle Process ). Then I have just the program for you.
Help in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ( SETI )Dec 17, 2008 by Paul White
If you search for this on google you will find long drawn out explanations of how to validate email addresses. How about just an answer? I have the answer, or at least my definition of an answer.
Dec 14, 2008 by Paul White
Normally when you upgrade your computer to some new wild multicore chip, as I did with the Intel i7. You would expect some dramatic performance results. Unfortunately it would seem that most software was not written to take advantage of the multiple cores. Read more for an in depth rant about software and the intel i7
Dec 11, 2008 by Paul White
Fusion IO has a new SSD (solid state disk ). Except this one doesn't connect with your typical SATA or SAS connectors. This drive is card based. Thats right you mount it on one of your available PCIe slots (assuming you still have one available ). Since your PCIe slot can support up to 10 GB/sec transfers this is a huge jump in performance. While other manufactureres are trying to pack NAND flash memory into 2.5 and 3.5 inch packages. Fusion IO has skipped this step all together. After building my own workstation based on dual SAS drives in a RAID 0 configuration. I feel like my system has just depreciated overnight. For more specs click read
Dec 11, 2008 by Paul White
Can you believe it, Snow in Houston. Not just snow but enough to make a snow ball. I am going to make Pepe an igloo if it keeps up. Here are some photos for your enjoyment
Photo Gallery with 8 Photos
8 Photos
6695 Visitors
Dec 10, 2008 by Paul White
Aborted Connection to db. If you have ever had this little error in MySql and, you have most likely spent countless hours googling for an answer. I have your answer read more the solution.
16172 Visitors