WhiteSites Blog

Godaddy Dedicated Server review and experiances

Jul 29, 2009 by Paul White

So one my clients has recently out grown their HostMySite VPS box.  It was time to migrate them to a larger box.  The choice we went with was a Windows Dedicated Server with Godaddy.  In this blog posting I explain the server we got.  Why we picked certain features, and how the setup is going.  This is a must read for anyone who is thinking about Hosting with Godaddy.

13810 Visitors

How to get godaddy to work with custom 404 on multiple asp.net websites

Jul 27, 2009 by Paul White

If you have found this blog post, the chances are you have already searched the web for hours trying to figure this out.  Running a single website on godaddy is not a problem.  but once you start running multiple asp.net websites on your godaddy hosting account, and they all use custom 404 handling as part of URL rewriting you will run into problems. Here is how I made it work.

6954 Visitors

Sony Xperia X1i gets H and not 3G on ATT

Jul 23, 2009 by Paul White

So I got my AT&T sim card today via FedEx.  Getting my Sony Xperia X1i online was not a smooth process. Today was a very dramatic day between failed activation and talking with multiple customer service reps.  To Say the least I released my aggression out on the last couple reps, only to find I have HSDPA which is better than 3G.  Feel kind of bad for the reps. but then again I don't

5012 Visitors

Sony Xperia X1i hand polished chrome battery cover

Jul 22, 2009 by Paul White

Sony Xperia X1i ChromeI like to personalize my gadgets.  One of the nice things about the Sony Xperia X1 is the battery cover is not a cheap piece of plastic.  Its a made of metal, then brushed to give it texture, and painted ( silver or black ). But the paint is not the most scratch resistant stuff.  After a while your Battery cover will look beat up.  So I got out some sand paper, and some metal polish creme, to take my battery cover from dull black, to a near perfect mirrored chrome finish.  I have included before and after shots along with instructions for those who might want to try this on their phone.

39822 Visitors

Moving from T-Mobile to ATT Wireless

Jul 20, 2009 by Paul White

T-MobileATT wirelessAfter spending more time than I should have googling for information on how to get my Sony Xperia X1i to work on T-Mobiles G3 network. I have finally accepted that it will never work, and I have now initiated a move to ATT wireless where G3 is supposed to be awesome.  If you just bought some new cool unlocked phone on ebay, hoping to take advantage of tmobile's cheap unlimited data connections,  I suggest you read this blog for more info and be prepared to make the same move I did.

3166 Visitors

Upgrading to an Sony Xperia X1, Good bye Stone Age

Jul 15, 2009 by Paul White

Sony Xperia X1iSo I finally got tired of my old k800i, and have made the switch to a Sony Xperia X1i.  Should be here in a few days, as I just bought it off ebay yesterday.  I am very excited about this phone.  Some of you might be wondering why I went with the Sony Xperia, especially a used one.  Read on for more details

4028 Visitors

Houston Country Bar Rebels Honky Tonk opening soon

Jul 8, 2009 by Paul White

Rebel's Honky TonkThere is a new country bar opening in Houston.  The name is Rebel's Honky Tonk.  The same guys who built Saint Danes in midtown, are behind the marketing and management of this new venue.  It will be located North East of Downtown.  Just take a look at this prototype logo.  With an image like that its sure to become the hottest place for cowboys and all things southern. 

11019 Visitors

Hosting with Godaddy the good the bad and the ugly

Jun 27, 2009 by Paul White

Godaddy LogoFor those of you who are considering using Godaddy for Hosting your website, I have written a detailed blog to help shed some light on the good, and bad and the ugly about doing business with godaddy.  Searching google you will find plenty of negative reviews on their hosting and support.  This is an unbiased writeup that is written from my point of view as a developer that has built websites for over 8 years.

8361 Visitors

Best Energy Drink with BCAAs and detox

Jun 26, 2009 by Paul White

ProSport Nutrition Energy DrinkI recently finished a website for a client who created his own energy drink.  All I can say is this energy drink has become the new staple in my kitchen.  Click Read for full details on the drink and why I recommend it.

3867 Visitors

Gran Torino Racist entertainment at its best

Jun 10, 2009 by Paul White

Gran TorinoI don't consider myself racist, after all I live in Houston which is quite a melting pot of culture.  But I like many know a few people that were raised in different times.  In the movie Gran Torino,  Client Eastwood does a great job playing the part of your racist relative.  He does such a good job, I almost wonder if he really is acting.  Never the less its a great movie.  Go rent it.

2414 Visitors