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Best Energy Drink with BCAAs and detox

Posted on Jun 26, 2009 by Paul White

Over the years I have tried just about every energy product to come onto the market.  I have found a new product that I feel is the best energy supplement on the market today.  For those of you who don't want to read my entire review and experiences with energy drinks, your can learn more about the product here

The Ultimate all in one Energy and Sports Performance Drink Mix

A little history on Energy Supplements

Back in 2000. The fat burning and energy supplements had raw Ephedra in them.  These supplements worked great.  You had energy, mental focus, and the fat practically melted off you.  The downside was waking up every morning feeling hungover, and the need to constantly up the dosage for the same effect.  Ephedra is in the same family of drugs as amphetamines.  Some would compare it to Speed or Meth.  I have never tried any illegal drugs, so I wouldn't be able to compare the two. But if Speed and Meth are like Ephedra, then I can understand why so many people get addicted to it.  Some of the more popular supplements of the day where Xenadrine RFA-1.  Metabolife. Hydroxycut.  Even though these supplements still exist today they no longer have raw Ephedra in them.  So don't run out and buy them expecting the same product as was available 10 years ago.

Life on Ephedra

When you take a supplement with raw ephedra in it.  You get extreme mental focus, and cat like reflexes.  The increased blood flow to your brain causes your mind to go into over drive.  Everything is amplified.  Your ability to focus. Your ability to be creative. Your Stamina when doing simple choirs.  You have a do anything kind of attitude.  Upon taking these energy supplements I remember cleaning the entire house, going to the gym, and getting all my work done, and then even considering offering to clean the neighbors house.  If you ever feel ADD, or ADHD.  Taking Ephedra would be the solution.  You would be able to focus on things without distractions.  However the negatives of ephedra are its not a muscle builder.  Sure it gives you the ability to do cardio for 2 hours straight and not feel the pain.  But it also supresses your appetite. This leads to a lifestyle where you are going going going, and not eating enough.  Your body Canibolizes itself.

The bann on Ephedra

Of course all good things come to an end.  At least in the USA.  The FDA banned the sale of supplments with Raw Ephedra in them.  All it took was a few people with high blood preasure to take them, and die to ruin it for everyone else.  Ephedra helped millions of people lose weight, and be more productive.  But yet since a dozen or so people died, the FDA stepped in.

The growing supplement industry.

The supplment industry is a multi-billion dollar industry.  The problem is most supplment companies prefer to sell consumers based on paid endorsements, and fancy marketing rather than quality products.  What is sad is consumers see a picture of a professional bodybuilder holding a canister of product, and they immediatley assume that he uses this product, and it is the reason he is so big and cut.  Teenagers are especially sensitive to these forms of marketing.  They look for quick ways to get big rather than food and training.  Many of these products only cost $2 to manufacture. Yet the companies are selling them for $30.  Suppments have a huge mark up.  Most of the cost of a product is in the paid endorsements, print advertising, and packaging.  Most of the product is filler.  Why do companies use fillers?  Because consumers see a big heavy canister of product and assume its better than a canister 10% its size.  Big canisters sell product.

ProSport Nutrition Energy DrinkWhy ProSport Nutrition is the best energy supplement today.

The biggest problem with supplements today is they will rev you up and end with a crash.  That and they do nothing to help build muscle.  ProSport has created a product that gives you a smooth energy with no tweaking, no jitters, and no crashing.  That and it has BCAAs in it, which help your body build muscle.  Taking BCAAs is more powerful than eating protien.  New Studies have found that some BCAAs cause the body to release growth hormone.  Which has an anti aging quailty to it.  I suspect that many of the LA celebrities are taking high dosages of BCAAs to stay young. 

This drink is like an Energy Drink, BCAA powder, multivitamin, detox pill, all in one.  All I am going to say is you have to try this stuff.  I promise after the first drink you will be convinced.  Thus far.  My lean muscle mass is up, and my strength is way up too.  My Arms are approaching 17", and my chest is nearing 50".  This drink has made a huge difference in the gym, and at my desk.

The Ultimate all in one Energy and Sports Performance Drink Mix

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