WhiteSites Blog

How to stop Real Player from downloading your videos with ASP.NET

Mar 11, 2008 by Paul White

Coming soon!!  Even though you can never block computer savy people from downloading your videos. The latest Real Player makes it so easy that even a computer handicaped person could download videos from your members sites.  After some hacking I figured out how to bock Real Player from stealing your videos.  All I am going to say is it involves an Http Handler, and an ISAPI entry to manage your .MPG extensions.  I should have a full write up on how to do this within a few days.

4923 Visitors

What Webmasters know about Goog that investors don't

Mar 3, 2008 by Paul White

The last few months have been interesting for Google's Stock.  Investors who make their plays based on earnings estimates, and hype see a very narrow view of what Google is really up to.  If you really want to know what google is up to, ask Webmasters.  Any Webmaster that runs a large website will tell you that google is changing the way it is doing Search.  Here are my predictions on Goog

2989 Visitors

Stop Hackers and Spam Bots in IIS

Mar 1, 2008 by Paul White

If you get a ton of server errors in your event logs in IIS. You might be under attack from hackers and spam bots attempting to inject comments and links in your submit forms.  The notorious Viewstate Failed Error seems to be the result of their attempts.  I have found an awesome resource to take care of this, and block these rejects for good. 

9399 Visitors

Google Page Rank Explained

Feb 24, 2008 by Paul White

If you build websites for a living, or you just want to increase your rank on google, its important to have a good understanding of how the google page rank system works.  PageRank is nothing more than a numeric number that represents your importance on the internet.  The value goes from NA ( meaning not indexed ) from 0 - 10 ( the only 10 is google ).  I have included some nice pictures to help better explain how it all works.

2432 Visitors

How to find Slow MySQL queries and Optimize your Tables

Feb 12, 2008 by Paul White

After you see good growth in your site for months, suddenly things start to get slow.  If your site is driven by a MySQL database, this is most likely the problem.  Bandwidth, Transfer, or even your home internet connection is not the problem.  The problem is you have some slow queries driving your site.  When I say slow we are talking computer terms.  Slow could be a fast as 15 ms.  One slow query isn't the problem its when you get hundreds of slow queries  made by hundreds of users at the same time that it becomes a problem.  MySQL is very powerful but only if you create the right indexes.  I recently applied these techniques on one of my websites.  Here is the step by step guide ( by me ) on how to optimize your MySQL tables. If your ASP.NET site is dragging this can make it 10 times faster.

4146 Visitors

Time for blog 2.0

Feb 2, 2008 by Paul White

The SEO world was rocked in January when google changed the way it runs SERPS. They are basically cracking down on how people load keywords into their titles, and pages to increase their rank. I was going to recode my blog engine anyway to make it more efficient. Thanks to google my blog 2.0 engine is now a priority on my todo list.
2126 Visitors

Auto Block hackers IPs from your FTP Server IIS

Oct 31, 2007 by Paul White

windows server 2003
I get a couple attempts by hackers to use brute force to get into my websites via FTP. I found this neat little windows service, that quickly takes care of this problem.
6434 Visitors

Why myspace will fail

Oct 3, 2007 by Paul White

Too many people focus on numbers now. They don't think about the future. Here is my reasoning for why myspace will ultimately fail.
2584 Visitors

Biggest Website mistakes companies make

Sep 13, 2007 by Paul White

If you don't put enough time or money into a good website you are hurting your business. Learn how to change your website to change the first impression you have with customers.
2428 Visitors

How to pick a good webhost for your website

Sep 13, 2007 by Paul White

This is one area that most noobies don't understand. I will shed some light on why you don't want to use the big names in website hosting.
3106 Visitors