WhiteSites Blog

If you Mine Crypto with your Desktop PC Read this

Jul 2, 2019 by Paul White

If you have 1 or more beefy graphics cards in your desktop PC you may be tempted to mine crypto when you are not wasting your life away playing games bring productive.  However there are risks to running your GPUs at full throttle for hours, days or even months on end.  Even if you throttle your GPUs so they their temps don't go over a certain level, the other components inside your PC case may not be up to the task.

1782 Visitors

How a failing Hard Drive can take down your server

Dec 11, 2018 by Paul White

Normally when a web server goes down you would think its from something major, like a power outage, or a disk failure.  In my case it was a failing 2.5" 2TB WD Green drive.  In case anyone else has failing server, this might help you.

1976 Visitors
EVGA 1300 G2 and 1600 G2 use different 24 Pin Cables

EVGA 1300 G2 and 1600 G2 use different 24 Pin Cables

Jan 24, 2018 by Paul White

I can't believe the amount of time I have wasted to discover this.  I recently decided to upgrade one of my computers from the EVGA 1300 G2 Power Supply to the EVGA 1600 G2 Power Supple.  I just swapped the supplies and the system booted right up. Then a couple weeks later I decided to put my old 1300 G2 into a new build, and it would boot.  

2715 Visitors
How to Fix an overheating HP laptop

How to Fix an overheating HP laptop

Sep 22, 2017 by Paul White

For as long as i can remember HP laptops have always had issues with staying cool.  This doesn't just apply to HP laptops though, most brands of laptops at some time during their life will run into issues over heating.  I have been repairing laptops for years, and what i am going to show you is the most common reason for a laptop overheating and how to fix it.  

5421 Visitors
ASUS ROG ZENITH Extreme sTR4 Motherboard on back order

ASUS ROG ZENITH Extreme sTR4 Motherboard on back order

Aug 10, 2017 by Paul White

I remember when the Ryzen 7 CPUs came out, and how all the higher end motherboards seemed to be on back order for months.  So far everything for my workstation has shipped, even the Threadripper 1950x CPU, but my motherboard is labeled as Pre-Order on newegg's order page.  A little worried as its labeled on Newegg's website as out of stock. 

2337 Visitors
AMD Threadripper Workstation build

AMD Threadripper Workstation build

Aug 9, 2017 by Paul White

Its been a long time coming.  Finally building a new workstation.  I have done the whole wait and see for years now, and finally I feel like a CPU that won't be replaced any time soon is here.  I have jumped both feet in with AMD's new Threadripper CPU with a monster build.  

2702 Visitors

Intel Core i9 vs AMD Threadripper

Jul 18, 2017 by Paul White

Finally AMD and Intel are again competing for consumers business.  Intel has released its Core i9, which was previously its Extreme Edition CPUs, and AMD is about to release Threadripper its scaled out version of Ryzen.  My First generation Intel I7 no longer cuts it, especially after upgrading to windows 10.  Even upgrading the air cooler and overclocking it from 2.6 Ghz to 3.6 Ghz is not enough.  Editing 4K video is near impossible.  So I am ready to build a new workstation.  I have had my eye on the latest from AMD and Intel, and I think I have mde up my mind.

1956 Visitors
FTP problems with Linksys e4200 router

FTP problems with Linksys e4200 router

Mar 20, 2015 by Paul White

Updates on your hardware with new software is usually a good thing,  Except when those updates break things.  This turned out to be the case for people with the Linksys e4200 router who were updating to the latest 1.0.06 Firmware.  It was impossible setup USB devices as FTP or Media storage due to a new (Feature) where sessions would be passed in the Querystring as part of a security update that Linksys added. 

3267 Visitors
Ebaying Hard Drives, Server, RAID Controller, Computer Parts

Ebaying Hard Drives, Server, RAID Controller, Computer Parts

Nov 19, 2014 by Paul White

Anyone who works in technology is usually surrounded by the clutter of old hardware.  Over the years I have upgraded systems where the old components were no longer needed, be it memory, or Hard Drives.  So my office had slowly become a graveyard for perfectly good but older hardware.  Finally after getting ahead of my inbox, I decided to conquer my office clutter and do an Ebay blitz to sell off this stuff.  After all Technology doubles in power every 18 months ( Moore's Law ), but this also means it depreciates by 50% every 18 months ( My Law ).  Holding onto old hardware thinking that someday you might need it again is a bad habbit for most of us.  It's time to sell it.

3356 Visitors
RocketRaid 4520 and WD 2TB Green Drives a recipe for failure

RocketRaid 4520 and WD 2TB Green Drives a recipe for failure

Aug 5, 2014 by Paul White

A couple months ago I colocated my new server, and have been slowly migrating all the data from my old server to the new one.  All this time, the new sever has been solid.   That was until last night.  When my raid card decided to drop a couple drives.  Making the system unresponsive, resulting in about 6 hours of downtime while My datacenter guy and me tried to diagnose the problem and get it back online.  For anyone thinking about putting WD green drives in a server, you might want to rethink that.

3641 Visitors