Oct 3, 2007 by Paul White
Too many people focus on numbers now. They don't think about the future. Here is my reasoning for why myspace will ultimately fail.
Sep 28, 2007 by Paul White
Alot of companies seem to think that it is all about price. the lower they sell a product for the more people will buy it. This may be true for comodities like oil, or wood, or even food at your grociery store, but this is wrong with consumer goods. Read more for examples
Sep 25, 2007 by Paul White

If you are like me, you spend more hours per day on your computer, than you do sleep at night. Let me explain to you how this little piece of hardware will enable you to keep your sanity when acts of god happend.
Sep 19, 2007 by Paul White
The progression on technology will of course leave older formats in the dust. As Cell phones get more powerful, the need for satelite radio will decrease
Sep 16, 2007 by Paul White
Last night I had dinner with a couple of clients that are in the real estate business. I knew just from watching the news that things were getting bad in this sector. But the news only focuses on the big picture instead of explaining the causes. Since my clients have a very inside view of the market, they shed some light on what is on the horizon. Lets just put it this way. Its definately a buyers market. Read my full blog if you want to learn why.
2173 Visitors
Sep 13, 2007 by Paul White
If you don't put enough time or money into a good website you are hurting your business. Learn how to change your website to change the first impression you have with customers.
2584 Visitors
Sep 13, 2007 by Paul White
This is one area that most noobies don't understand. I will shed some light on why you don't want to use the big names in website hosting.
Sep 10, 2007 by Paul White
It doesn't take a genius to realize that any antivirus program is going to hurt performance. This was true on my wife's laptop. Since she doesn't goto any questionable sites, I removed it for a huge performance gain.
Sep 10, 2007 by Paul White
Scary is when you ask a person this and they don't know. What is worse is when they don't know and are also a home owner. Here is the break down on how an amortized loan works, and why you should pay off your house ASAP.
Sep 8, 2007 by Paul White
If you like all you can eat buffet's this place is for you. $10.99 / person The angus roast beef is good.
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