WhiteSites Blog

ATT and Verizon DNSBL Problems.

Feb 13, 2010 by Paul White

Verizon and AT&T yesterday started bounced emails from my server.  This was very unexpected, as non of my websites do any kind of spam.  A few of them do send a newsletter but this is to a double Opt in Maillist.  Everyone getting the newsletter signed up for it.  So in this blog I will chronicle my journey to get this resolved with both ISPs.  If this turns out good, then fine. If it turns out bad, then at least I will have documented it for the rest of the world.

14812 Visitors
Adblockers financial impact on your websites traffic

Adblockers financial impact on your websites traffic

Feb 12, 2010 by Paul White

Adblockers have a place in the world.  That place was back when we all were using dial up internet.  Now that everyone is on high speed broadband connections, adblockers are doing more harm than good.  I will show you some concrete data to prove that adblockers are hurting any website that is dependent on Google Adsense for Revenue.

5287 Visitors
Force Windows 7 to open excel documents in separate windows

Force Windows 7 to open excel documents in separate windows

Feb 11, 2010 by Paul White

I love windows 7, but I hate the way they open documents under a single window.  I googled for a long time to find a fix for this.  Finally I found the solution.  If you want to force Windows 7 to open your Applications especially Excel, Word, Internet Explorer, Firefox in a new window, then I have the solution. Get ready to make a simple Registry Edit to make windows the way run more like it used to under XP

211234 Visitors

My Plan to make healthcare cheap

Feb 7, 2010 by Paul White

If you take out the political favors and promises, getting healthcare affordable for everyone is easy.  Here is own set of ideas that could make it happen

2412 Visitors

Baby Advice for new parents

Feb 6, 2010 by Paul White

If you have been blessed with a new baby, you have found yourself at the grocery store staring down the many options available to feed your infant.  Been there done that.  Hopefully my experiences as a new parent might help others from the same stressful decisions.

5986 Visitors
Vantec Hot Swap Hard Drive Trays Review

Vantec Hot Swap Hard Drive Trays Review

Feb 5, 2010 by Paul White

Recently I decided to add some hot swap trays to my system.  I searched for quite a while before I found trays that would maintain my personal sense of style ( Bling ), and have functionality as well.  I went with the Vantec Trays that include a blue LCD display giving you temperature stats on the drives.  Overall I am very happy with my decision, though Vantec could have done a slightly better job with these.

13091 Visitors
Adaptec 4805 SAS RAID benchmark on Windows 7 review

Adaptec 4805 SAS RAID benchmark on Windows 7 review

Feb 5, 2010 by Paul White

I knew I was going to make the switch to Windows 7, but I wanted to make a few upgrades before I did this.  These upgrades included hot swap trays for my SATA drives, and extending my SAS RAID array from 2 drives to 4 drives.  However this forced me to get a Dedicated RAID controller, as the ASUS board only supports two SAS drives.  On this blog I will focus on the SAS RAID upgrade using the Adaptec 4805SAS RAID card and 4 x 15K RPM Fujitsu SAS Hard Drives.

9961 Visitors

Cheapest Electricity in Houston

Feb 2, 2010 by Paul White

If you live in Pearland or Houston then you most likely are in theCenterpoint Energy Service area.  Even though right now your electricbill probably isn't the top of your worries, come summer time you willsurely be wishing you had a low fixed rate.  I just got done with my 12month contract with Stream Energy.  After some googling I found a staterun site that displays all the power companies and their rates.  Notsure who's idea this was, but I applaud the idea. For once I am a hugesupporter of the government getting involved.  The rates displayed onthis blog were AS OF March 10th, 2010 ( I updated them recently ). Keep in mind these rates may change often, so be sure to check back atpowertochoose.org.  Just think what would happen to the cost ofhealthcare if a similar site was created.  I switched to BrilliantEnergy, and got my rate locked in at 10.7 cents/ KWH for 12 months. Now it appears rates go for as low as 10.6 Cents / KWH for 12 monthfixed. There were cheaper rates but the last thing I want is to comeout of contract in the middle of summer, then have to renew when its100 degrees outside.  A buddy of mind did the month by month thing, andthe result was it was cheap in the winter months, but they raised hisrates to 26 cents / KWH in the summer.  Its a good idea to lock in yourrate in the winter when rates are low.

Keep in mind these priceswere based on my zip code of 77584. ( Pearland, Texas ). But I suspectthe rates won't vary much for other nearby Houston zipcodes.  So if youlive anywhere in Houston, These rates might apply to you as well.
8558 Visitors

Obama YouTube Interview a joke

Feb 1, 2010 by Paul White

Today, Obama did a YouTube interview in which people submitted their questions, and everyone voted on which questions should be asked.  The process was a complete joke.  I am now convinced that YouTube ( run by Google ) is more biased that Fox News.

2312 Visitors

Windows 7 cutting my electric bill

Jan 25, 2010 by Paul White

Windows 7Every since the release of Windows 7 my friends have been urging me to make the switch.  They said its faster, and overall better.  Finally after getting ahead of some of my work I took the plunge and made the switch to windows 7.  Probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. If you want to cut your utility bill, I highly suggest you make the switch to windows 7.

2921 Visitors