WhiteSites Blog

Upgrading the fan in your DMX Intelligent Lighting Fixtures

Jan 28, 2011 by Paul White

The title should be pretty self explanatory.  We have 16 Mighty Scan fixtures.  These fixtures have the fans mounted on the outside of the body. which makes changing them very easy.  After some observations I concluded that the stock OEM fans are crap.  So I decided to upgrade the fan to something with a little more beef.

5023 Visitors

FaceBook IPO Its all downhill from here

Jan 22, 2011 by Paul White

Facebook is going public.  Even though there are many websites who's parent companies have gone public.  Facebook is the first which is based around a single website.  Not just that but unlike other companies that are diversified accross many different fronts. Facebook for the most part is just a social networking website.  I predict that everything will be downhill from here.  Don't buy this stock!

3437 Visitors

Donald Trump considering 2012 run for President

Jan 20, 2011 by Paul White

So it would seem that Donald Trump is considering a run for President in 2012.  Don't know if this is just a publicity stunt ( in which I am obviously not helping by blogging about this ).  Or if he really wants to get stuff done.

2833 Visitors
Venue Scan 250 vs American DJ Scan 250EX

Venue Scan 250 vs American DJ Scan 250EX

Jan 5, 2011 by Paul White

Recently I bought 2 pairs of Fixtures for my client.  Let me just start by saying that when it comes to low cost DMX controlled Moving Mirror Scanners, no two fixtures are alike.  Each Fixture has its own set of strengths and weaknesses.  What is important is to find the fixture that best suites your needs.

9267 Visitors

IColor Accents at Hush Night Club

Jan 5, 2011 by Paul White

When discussing the light and sound setup at Hush NightClub with Dan Deschamps, I was kind of shocked to hear the millions they spent on Lighting.  After some research its easy to see where a lot of this money went.  IColor Accents.  They had several hundred of these mounted on a truss.  To put this into perspective the retail on these is around $482 per 2 foot segiment.  Keep in mind Hush was built back in 2004, and these probably cost even more back then.
3111 Visitors
Hottest New Years Eve Houston Party 2010 2011

Hottest New Years Eve Houston Party 2010 2011

Dec 14, 2010 by Paul White

If you want to celebrate the New Year like a rockstar, then you might want to consider the Desirous Party Houston New Years Eve Party at the Ritz.  On this special night the Ritz is kicking out the Strippers, and letting Desirous Party take over the entire club ( VIP and all ).  Full event details inside

4302 Visitors

Everything you every wanted to know about Hush NightClub

Dec 8, 2010 by Paul White

I got the chance to sit down with Dan DesChamps and ask him some questions about Hush.  Dan and Kevin were the original founder and owner of the nightclub in 2004.  Here are some of the questions I asked with his answers.

3509 Visitors

Why do I need life insurance

Dec 7, 2010 by Paul White

Think you dont need life insurance if you dont have kids? Think again. It may seem like an unnecessary expense. But there are many reasons to have life insurance, even if youre not supporting a family.  Even if you are not married, life insurance tells your significant other that you want to make sure they are taken care of.
2219 Visitors
upgrading Mighty Scan Intelligent Lighting to LED Bulbs

upgrading Mighty Scan Intelligent Lighting to LED Bulbs

Dec 2, 2010 by Paul White

One of the more recent ongoing projects I have been working on is overhauling the Ritz Cabaret's Light Show.  This includes moving fixtures, finding and buying used fixtures off ebay, replacing bulbs, and programming everything to sync together with Martin Light Jockey.  However when you have 30 Intelligent Lighting fixtures that all take a 250 watt halogen bulb, you quickly do the math and realized that the Ritz Cabaret is spending a small fortune all to ensure its dancers look good on stage.  My goal was to upgrade all our fixtures to LED bulbs.  This is my story.

15783 Visitors

Dignified Life Mortgage Protection Insurance

Nov 29, 2010 by Paul White

Recently I got into a discussion with Dan DeChamps of Dignified Life over the reasons a person might need Mortgage Protection Insurance.  If you have a mortgage and you don't plan on paying it off anytime soon, you might want to seriously give Mortgage Protection some thought.

2312 Visitors