WhiteSites Blog
How to remove Cryptolock

How to remove Cryptolock

Nov 20, 2013 by Paul White

A new wave of Ransomware has been infecting people's computers.  Its called Cryptolock.  I can show you how to remove it, but not how to restore your files.  For that you need a backup.  Windows Backup works well.  
4472 Visitors

Files missing after chkdsk in Windows 7

Dec 14, 2011 by Paul White

If you are reading, then its likely that you recently ran chkdsk ( check disk ) and after it was done you found that many of your files were missing.  Recently my computer told me to run chkdsk because there were problems with my 2TB SATA hard drive.  Afterwards many of my files were missing. However don't worry, most of your files are still there, just look for a directory on the root of your hard drive called found.000 ( its hidden ). 

37973 Visitors
How to setup 301 Redirects in IIS 7 for good SEO

How to setup 301 Redirects in IIS 7 for good SEO

Nov 14, 2011 by Paul White

Everybody knows that in order to properly preserve Google Page Rank when you are moving a page on a site, you need to perform a 301 Redirect to the new page, as this tells search engines this is a permanent move, and to record it into their index.  However few people realize the additional problem of duplicate content across multiple domains.  So if you have both your domain and your www subdomain pointing at the same site, its likely that google is penalizing you for this. So in this article I show you how to properly setup a website with multiple domains using IIS 7.5 and 301 redirects for good SEO.

32413 Visitors
What would make Windows 8 Great

What would make Windows 8 Great

Nov 8, 2011 by Paul White

Lets pretend for a second that Steve Ballmer was hog tied and thrown into a closet, and you were given free reign to make the next version of Windows Look the way you want.  Here are some of my suggestions for Microsoft.

3662 Visitors

Bulk import IPs into your Windows Server 2008 R2 Firewall

Feb 4, 2011 by Paul White

If you are like me you take server security very seriously.  You lock down all your ports, and you even firewall IPs that try to use exploits.  But eventually you determine that non of your clients do business in China or Russia, and its easier to just block those countries, rather than trying to block individual IPs.  Well this brings another problem.  Windows Server 2008 R2 has no user friendly way to do a bulk import of IPs.  Luckily I found a VB script that you can run and it will automatically add the IP blocks you want to block.

33606 Visitors
SSD RAID 0 Benchmarks for Intel ICH10R ASUS P6T Deluxe

SSD RAID 0 Benchmarks for Intel ICH10R ASUS P6T Deluxe

Nov 19, 2010 by Paul White

So I finally have made the move to SSD.  Unlike many who went with a single SSD drive I went with an SSD raid 0 Array.  Using 3 OCZ Vertex 2 60 GB SSD drives, I setup a RAID 0 array on my ASUS P6T Deluxe Motherboard's built in Intel ICH10R SATA controller.  The benchmarks were outstanding.  Maybe I could have gotten a little better performance from using a dedicated RAID card, but 700 MB/sec read and write is good enough for me.

15491 Visitors

Windows 7 Backup and Restore Problems

Nov 17, 2010 by Paul White

During my quest to upgrade my computer from my 4 disk SAS raid array to a 3 disk SSD raid array, I had a few learning experiences with the windows 7 backup and restore system.  Hopefully my tips will help others.

5677 Visitors
Force Windows 7 to open excel documents in separate windows

Force Windows 7 to open excel documents in separate windows

Feb 11, 2010 by Paul White

I love windows 7, but I hate the way they open documents under a single window.  I googled for a long time to find a fix for this.  Finally I found the solution.  If you want to force Windows 7 to open your Applications especially Excel, Word, Internet Explorer, Firefox in a new window, then I have the solution. Get ready to make a simple Registry Edit to make windows the way run more like it used to under XP

211580 Visitors
Adaptec 4805 SAS RAID benchmark on Windows 7 review

Adaptec 4805 SAS RAID benchmark on Windows 7 review

Feb 5, 2010 by Paul White

I knew I was going to make the switch to Windows 7, but I wanted to make a few upgrades before I did this.  These upgrades included hot swap trays for my SATA drives, and extending my SAS RAID array from 2 drives to 4 drives.  However this forced me to get a Dedicated RAID controller, as the ASUS board only supports two SAS drives.  On this blog I will focus on the SAS RAID upgrade using the Adaptec 4805SAS RAID card and 4 x 15K RPM Fujitsu SAS Hard Drives.

9995 Visitors

Windows 7 cutting my electric bill

Jan 25, 2010 by Paul White

Windows 7Every since the release of Windows 7 my friends have been urging me to make the switch.  They said its faster, and overall better.  Finally after getting ahead of some of my work I took the plunge and made the switch to windows 7.  Probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. If you want to cut your utility bill, I highly suggest you make the switch to windows 7.

2940 Visitors