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RNC attempts to motivate base

Posted on Mar 1, 2009 by Paul White

First before I go into my rant,  let me just say I am an independent.  I have views that represent both sides of the political color wheel.  Just to summarize my views.
1. We have too much welfare.
2. We need more incentives for homeowners to get off the grid.
4. People should have to prove they are financially stable before having children
5. Teachers should be paid based on their ability to teach, not their ability to get grants.
6. There should be no boundaries when it comes to medical research
7. The media has too big an impact on society.

Now to start Obama's State of the Union speech was probably one of the best speeches ever.  It set direction,  and showed focus.  No matter what your views are about Obama and his policies, you can't deny that no republican could give a speech with that kind of energy.  Everything he said sounds great. But we have yet to see how much of that gets implimented.  As I remember when Clinton first took office, the economy wasn't doing so good either.  But by the end of his second term the economy was roaring.  I remember my mutual funds those years where making 30%.  The chances are we might see something similar with Obama.

The Repulicans Ace in a very muddy hole

As great as a guy Bobby Jinkle is,  he is the not the person to go and do the talking points after an Obama speech.  Obama was like the Areosmith concert.  and Bobby Jinkle was like a guy in the parking lot trying to score with chicks leaving the concert.  His energy did not fire up the base.  I guess the RNC think people want a young leader to be the next big guy.  Age doesn't matter. Its enthusiam and character people are looking for.

Rush is Right but not the right man right now

Rush had his speech, and the crowd was all fired up.  Of course any hardcore conservative is going to love Rush.  But I don't see someone who had ideas.  I saw a obesely fat guy, hooked on pain killers, giving a speech that provided no answers or solutions, just a bunch of rederick. I would recommend Rush to go hit the gym for a couple years, get cleaned up, then try to get some talking points with some real solutions, before to start attacking the only guy ( Obama ) who is has solutions. 

The only two big players in the future

Two men will be at the forefront of the next election.  Romney, and Newt.  Both are good speakers, and both have lots of great ideas that solve real problems.  If Republicans had picked one of these two guys they might have had a chance against Obama.  McCain is not an actor, he is a soldier.  His greatest asset is his sense of humor, and understanding of military affairs. Campaign Advisers tried to take the likable McCain, and make him serious.  This was not a good decision.

Some big ideas that could win the WhiteHouse in 2012.

Americans like their independance.  The last thing americans want is to feel like they are dependent on others.  Energy is one place that every American ( Except in parts of PA ), feel the crunch of energy prices.  Some homeowners have gone hardcore green.  I will be building a website for a client that builds custom green homes.  His homes include rain water collection, Alternative Energy ( solar, wind ) taking the homes off the grid.  I don't know about you. but our Utility bill is about $240 / month for electricity, and $60 / month for Water.  If my home had these technologies I would save $3600 / year.  The next canidiate should mandate that every new home should come with these technologies.  This would fix the problem with too many homes on the market, as the number would drastically drop.  Then allow people to write off the cost of upgrading their home with these technologies.

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