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Nano go energy supplement review

Posted on Apr 2, 2009 by Paul White

Nano go energy supplementNano-go or Nano go is a supplement available at Smoothie King.  For those of you who want the quick answer, this might be the best thermogenic supplement on the market today. 

I know what a lot of people are thinking,  "What makes you an expert?".  I have taken a lot of stimulants during my lifetime ( legal stimulants ).  I remember back when the Xenadrine RFA-1 actually had Ephedra Alkoids in it, and would turn you into a fat burning machine of productivity.  The Xenadrine RFA-1 currently on the market today is crap.  Its not even made by the same company as the original.  Back in 2001 a lot of the energy supplements on the market had this form of ephedra in them.  They were basically a weak version of speed.  While on the stuff, you would have extreme mental focus, very positive attitude, and the reflexes of a cat.  You could do cardio for hours at a time, lift heavier weights, and it surpressed appitite as well.  Of course it had side effects. As some people who were ultra sensitive to the chemicals in it, or that overdosed it, would die from a heart attack.  This is why companies tell people to take it in moderation, and to determine your own sensitivity to it before loading up.  The other side effect was over time you had to increase the dosage to get the same effect.  The product also had a horrible down.  If you stopped you would not even want to get out of bed.  Its like for the weeks of productivity you gained, you now must be the most unproductive person for 3 or 4 days as your receptors come back into balance.  You won't feel like doing anything. Everything will feel like a choir. 

There have been hundreds of fat burning supplements to hit the market since the ban on ephedra.  Most of them use herbs ( that don't do crap ) and a ton of caffiene. However when I tried Nano-go for the first time I was shocked as to the results it had.  I won't say it gave me the euphoria that the original ephedra based supplements did, but it did keep me focused.  I didn't feel distracted.  And best of all I didn't experience any down 12 hours later.  The next morning when I woke up I didn't feel like I was going through withdraw. 

What does it do?

First off all when you take the stuff.  You will get an overly positive attitude. Nothing will feel like its impossible.  If you have a lot of choirs you need to get done, this is the stuff for you.  You will feel like, cleaning the house, doing all your laundry, mowing the yard, wash the dog, wash the cars, wash the garage, organize everything, and then when your home is finished you will still want to run off the gym for 2 hours of cardio.  The entire time you feel like your body is burning up fat.  The stuff also seems to eliminate water from your body.  I pissed 4 times over the next few hours.  My weight also dropped by about 4 lbs in a single day.  Mentally if you are going through a design or creative stump, this stuff will cause your mind and imagination go into over drive.  This stuff is partly responsible for me being able to finish my new portfolio website.

Whats in Nano-go?

The capsules are about 1 gram in size, and contain 900mg of product
The following are the ingredients listed in order of highest % to lowest %
These are part of the 900mg Proprietary Blend, so exact amounts of each is company secret
Green Tea Extract
Phenylethylamine HCL
Citrus Aurantium
Synephrine Caprylate
Nettle Root Extract
Inositol Niacinate
Yohimbine HCL
Other Ingredients:
dicalcium phosphate, gelatine, polyethylene glycol ( filler and capsule )

How is Nano-go Packaged?

A clear plastic tube with the label on the inside.  Easily fits into a gym bag or purse and contains 30 pills
Plastic tube is 7" long by 1" in diameter.  Its nice that it doesn't look like a medicine bottle. 

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    Sonya | Apr 3, 2009 6:15 PM
    Whoa! I remember a little of the ephedra debacle in the news. I'm not certain this is for women (yohimbe is generally for male potency) and as a general coward when it comes to stimulants (except black coffee)I think this is best left to the fellows. I remember taking Fahrenheit for w hile since they marketed it to women. It shed the weight, but I couldn't keep my hands steady for several days. Scary. Now, I just stick to fruits, veggies and supplements to keep me in check. But hey, thanks for the suggestion!
    The Fury Blogger | Aug 6, 2009 5:16 PM
    @Sonya They do have this tailored for women now. You can see some details at their website www.nano-go.com It really is a great pill they have here. You'll only get jittery if you drink caffeine with it, which I'm sure the majority of people do. But honestly, you can function without coffee while on this stuff and there's absolutely no crash at all. I love it.
    Paul | Apr 15, 2010 12:09 PM
    The supplement industry relies on propaganda and marketing to sell products.  The only reason they released another version for women is because women ( for image reasons ) don't like buying the same product as some roided up body builder.  The only difference between the two might be the women's version has slightly less stimulants.  You will be find with the mens version. 
    Blogging Along | Aug 5, 2010 9:02 PM
    Paul is right. Nano-Go did put less stimulants in the Women's version... pink package too...
    I took Extreme Power Plus for years... with the ephedra base... and did experience all of what is described above... enjoyed it very much...
    Now, I am enjoying a brand new product... Power Gum...
    www.powergumweightloss.com  Doesn't have the caffeine base yet it gives you a gradual increase in energy and I can't say I have felt drained at the end of the day... it also curbs my appetite very effectively... I'm impressed anyway.
    Stephanie | Feb 15, 2011 12:43 PM
    I have been using this for months and I love it. It keeps me awake during the day.....I don't know what I'd do without yes. Wait yes I do. fall asleep at work!
    Paul | Feb 15, 2011 12:49 PM
    I haven't taken this stuff in a long time.  Still a good product, but I have moved onto Octane by ProSport Nutrition now.  Octane costs more, but the benefits are endless.  More energy, Great Taste, Gives all my Vitamins and lots of Amino Acids to help build Muscle.  Plus its an all natural product.  If you guys just like Pills then the Nano-Go gets it done, but if you want a beverage that will do everything from more energy, burn fat, make your hair grow faster and thicker, then try Octane.
    shawn | May 19, 2011 4:02 PM
    if you think the green tube is good, you need to try their new Xtreme (Black tube).  WOW!  Hard to believe that 1 capsule last's 12 freakin hours! Thanks Smoothie King!
    Sheryl | May 9, 2012 10:33 AM
    Does anyone stomache hurt after taking this? When I take it in the morning (7am) by 9 or 10am, I notice my stomach cramping up. It does keep me awake, so I want to continue taking it. Just wondering what others are experiencing.
    Paul | May 9, 2012 10:44 AM
    When I used to take Nano-Go I never had any stomach problems.  Nano-Go does work, but I have switched to Octane Energy Drink, which has more health benefits. 
    Sheryl | May 10, 2012 10:55 AM
    @ Paul
     Thank you so much for your feedback. I might switch to something else. This is just plain irritating. Thanks again!
    Sarah | May 17, 2012 2:49 PM
    @Sheryl I find that when i don't eat with it i get stomach cramps.  If i eat a small breakfast and drink plenty of water with it that seems to keep the cramps at bay. Also I didn't consume any kind of caffeine before starting these, so they do give me a bit of the jitters if I don't eat.
    Brandon Dutreix | Aug 30, 2017 1:14 AM

    Are you still taking Octane? Nano-gos have changed their formula and is not the same. Wondered if you tried it lately since they chnaged?

    Paul | Aug 30, 2017 11:36 AM

    Hey Brandon,

    I am still taking Octane.  Unfortunately I am out at the moment.  Need to restock next time I am in Houston. I haven't tried Nano-Go since I wrote this original review.  I found that Kroger / Bakers has a Energy Packet thats pretty good.  160 MG of caffiene, and has 10 packets in a box.  They usually sell for about $2.50 a box. I have been taking one of those packets, along with a Gallon sized tea bag to make a broke man's pre workout.  Its gets me through the day ok, but its nothing like Octane.  All the nutrients in Octane litterally keep you looking younger. I didnt' realize this til I ran out, and noticed after a couple weeks my hair getting thinner and my skin looking aged.  

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