WhiteSites Blog

How to use ABCPDF to convert HTML page to PDF

Posted on Mar 7, 2013 by Paul White

Eventually developers have the need to generate a PDF based on an webpage.  In my case it was for generating invoices for my client.  However going from HTML webpage to PDF is no simple task.  But thanks to the ABCPDF.net component from websupergoo anyone with some basic coding skills can do this.

For my example I am using version 8 of the ABCPDF.net component.

You will need to put the following files in your bin directory

Note that we are using the professional version of the component, hence the reason for both the 32bit and 64bit dlls

Next at the top of your webpage you will need the following IMPORTS

<%@ Assembly Name="ABCpdf" %>
<%@ import Namespace="WebSupergoo.ABCpdf8" %>
<%@ import Namespace="WebSupergoo.ABCpdf8.Objects" %>
<%@ import Namespace="WebSupergoo.ABCpdf8.Atoms" %>

Then the following code will generate a PDF from a webpage

string dpi="150";
int compression = 90;

// make PDF and images
Doc theDoc = new Doc();
theDoc.Rendering.DotsPerInch = 150;

// apply a rotation transform
double w = theDoc.MediaBox.Width;
double h = theDoc.MediaBox.Height;
double l = theDoc.MediaBox.Left;
double b = theDoc.MediaBox.Bottom;

theDoc.Rect.Inset(0, 0);
theDoc.HtmlOptions.ImageQuality = compression;
theDoc.HtmlOptions.FontEmbed = true;
theDoc.HtmlOptions.FontSubstitute = false;
theDoc.HtmlOptions.FontProtection = false;
int theID = theDoc.AddImageUrl("http://mywebsite.com/mypage.htm");


The previous code takes the webpage located at http://mywebsite.com/mypage.htm, and converts it into a PDF document and saves it in your website file directory with the name myfile.pdf.

ABCPDF gets the job done with very few lines of code.  I highly recommend it!
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