WhiteSites Blog

How to build a successful blog

Posted on Dec 9, 2009 by Paul White

Type of Blogger

In my experience there are two types of bloggers.  The first type uses their blog as more of a diary of their daily events.  They do it more because they like to read their own words, and are normally not money motivated.  The other type of blogger did it because they read some article about bloggers making millions from adsense.  Even though I don't have any unrealistic expectations about making millions from my blog, I will admit that if I didn't make the few dollars off my adsense every day, there would be very little motivation for me. 

Type of Blog Model

Now that you have decided what type of blogger you are, its important to understand the two different blogging models.  The first blogging model is the author who will be creating original content.  This could be in the form of tutorials or photos, or just original thoughts and opinions.  The second is what I call the leach model.  These blogs almost never create their own content.  They rely on third parties ( other blogs, or media outlets ) to get content.  Often times they take blog entries they find on other sites, and summarize them in their own words, then provide a link to the original source.  Examples of this type of blogging model are Engadget.com,  Gizmodo.com and others.  These blogs have over a dozen authors who constantly submit new content to it daily.  Blogs with original content normally only make maybe 1 or 2 posts per day max, with many only posting once a week. 

Blog Promotion

If you run a leach blog, then often your goal is quantity and not so much quality.  The more time you can spend leaching content the more successful you will be.  Eventually you will grow a loyal following.  But what I want to focus on is the promotion of original content blogs.  The key with original content blogs is to create some awesome content.  Then instead of waiting for the leach blogs to find it ( which may take a long time if at all ).  Submit your content to the leach blogs.  If they think its something their readers would be interested in they will gladly create a blog on your content, and link back to your article.  If you can get just 3 or 4 blogs to leach your content, then you are set.  Eventually this will generate more links throughout the internet coming back to your blog.  This raises you on search engines, and keeps a steady stream of never ending traffic to your article.  Another technique is to submit comments on other blogs that have links back to your blog.  Look for other blogs already discussing your niche, this way when you put your link in your comment it will be relative to the discussion, and the Moderator is less likely to delete your comment or mark you as a comment spammer.

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