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Google Adsense Ad Serving disabled to your site

Google Adsense Ad Serving disabled to your site

Posted on Aug 29, 2011 by Paul White

To generate a little revenue from your blog or website google adsense is a great option. But when you an email from google with the subject of "Google Adsense ad serving has been disabled to your site", you suddenly find your only source of revenue gone.

On 8/25/2011 I got the following email from Google Adsense

Hello,During a recent review of your account we found that you are currentlydisplaying Google ads in a manner that is not compliant with our programpolicies(https://www.google.com/support/adsense/bin/answer.py?answer=48182&stc=aspe-1pp-en).--------------------------------------------------EXAMPLE PAGE:http://wheresthestripclub.com/montgomery-strip-clubs__633786226139218750_stripclubsbymetro.htmPlease note that this URL is an example and that the same violations mayexist on other pages of this website or other sites in your network.VIOLATION(S) FOUND:ADULT ESCORTS OR DATING: As stated in our program policies, AdSensepublishers are not permitted to place Google ads on pages with adultcontent. This includes adult-oriented dating and companionship servicessuch as mail-order brides. More information about this policy can be foundin our help center (https://www.google.com/adsense/support/as/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=105957).ACTION TAKEN: We have disabled ad serving to your site.ACCOUNT STATUS: ACTIVEYour AdSense account remains active. However, please note that our teamreserves the right to disable your account at any time. As such, weencourage you to become familiar with our program policies and monitoryour network accordingly.Issue ID# 2996357--------------------------------------------------Thank you for your cooperation.Sincerely,The Google AdSense Team----------------For more information regarding this email, please visit our Help Center:https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/answer.py?answer=113058&stc=aspe-ai4-en.

Soon after receiving an email like this the ads to your website will slowly disappear.

How do I get adsense to allow ads on my site again?

Google is very strict about the types of content in which it will allow. My website is a directory of stripclubs that I have slowly been building over the past year. My focus as I have been building it has been on good SEO practices, meaning I was including a link back to the club's website if they had one. Unfortunately some clubs leave nothing to the imagination and their website is 1 step short of being a porn site.

Google does not allow adsense on adult websites, and you also may not link to any website that would be considered adult. In my case this meant I needed to take down the links to most of the stripclubs external websites. Not a big deal, so I did this.

Part of google's complaint was they do not allow adsense on sites that have to do with ADULT ESCORTS OR DATING. However my site has nothing to do with adult escorts and dating. So I figured their complaint was more of just a generic response.

Unfortunately If you email google and ask them what do I need to do, they will not help you. Its up to you to figure it out.

I highly recommend anyone dealing with the same issues to visit the
google adsense help forums
Within 30 minutes I had people giving me suggestions.

How do I appeal my disabled adsense account?

First of all don't assume that Google has made a mistake. Take Responsibility and figure out what exactly google doesn't like about your site. In my case I made the following changes to my site
  • removed external links to Clubs websites
  • removed background photo of girl in string bikini
  • removed the phrase titty bars from my intro text

Once you have made some changes to your website you can
click here to make a Google Adsense Policy Violation Appeal

You will need the following
  • Name
  • Adsense Publisher ID
  • Issue ID
  • Affected Site URL
  • What changes have you made to your site in order to comply with our program policies?
After you submit don't expect a same day response, especially if its the weekend. I submitted my appeal on a Friday and then Monday afternoon I got a response.

How do I know when google accepts my appeal?

You should get an email like this

Hello,Thank you for making the requested changes to your site in order to complywith our policies. We have now re-enabled ad serving to your site. Please note that because ad serving to your site was temporarily disabled,there may be a delay of up to 48 hours or more before ads begin appearingon your site again. We appreciate your patience.Sincerely, The Google AdSense Team

Update 5/5/2012 Adsense disabled yet again

About a month ago I noticed that the Google Ads stopped serving to the same website I was having problems with earlier. This time there was no warning notice from google. I contacted Google and about a week later I received a response from them saying that the content on my site did not meet their Terms of Use.

Nothing specific in this email helped to let me know what parts of my site were no longer in compliance with the Adsense Guidelines. So I assumed this was just an automated email. I was right. I contacted google again asking for clarification, and I got a similar automated email back from them.

The truth is google will help you, but you have to be professional and polite. I can imagine that many people email back telling google to go F themselves, and try to threaten them to turn the adsense back on. This form of communication won't work.

So this time I emailed google, and told them that I would gladly make any changes they request to my website, and I do want to stay within their Terms of Use, however some more detail on what is exactly the problem would help. About a week later, I got a personal response from the google adsense team

Hello Paul,Thanks for your message.When reviewing your website, I found some explicit text in the reviews ofthe different clubs.This is a very sensitive topic, as our policies are very tight, especially when it comes to adult content.I hope this information helps!Sincerely,DianaThe Google AdSense Team

That was the exact information I needed. So I went through the hundred or so reviews on my website and searched for anything that might be explicit. And I did find one review in particular that was over the line. Some guy decided to use colorful words to describe his and her privates and the services rendered. Granted I know this kind of stuff happens at stripclubs, but there is no reason to tell the world. Remember google only wants Adsense to display on family friendly websites. This means if a child was to read this review they should not be scarred for life, and go asking Mom and Dad what these words mean. So I edited this and a couple other reviews to make them child friendly. I then replied to google notifying them that I have made corrections to my content. Now I am just waiting for them to verify my changes, and turn the adsense back on.

Update 5/11/2012 Adsense Ad Serving Reinstated

Today I got an email back from Google informing me that my Adsense was going to be reinstated for the site in question. Here is the notice I got from them

Hello Paul,Thank you for making the necessary changes. I'll re enable the ad servingto your website, which should be running in the next 48h.I would like to just inform you that as your website is still highlyrelated to adult content, there might be times where ads won't show insome pages due to a possible lack of matches for your content, but restassured that the ad serving is re enabled.Have a nice weekend!Sincerely, DianaThe Google AdSense Team

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Categories associated with Google Adsense Ad Serving disabled to your site


Paul | Sep 8, 2011 11:20 PM
@ the Jackass who keeps spamming this article trying to drive traffic to his blogspot post, knock it off.  Else your IP and possibly your country will become the latest addition to my firewall.
PmP Team | Sep 22, 2011 11:42 PM
Interesting...Google has awfully stirct rules, regarding adult content which I don't understand.A stripclub is a business too, And there is a huge demand for it...BUT yeah, ggle probably doesnt need it to be the Zeus of online business...:(
sumcara | Dec 15, 2011 6:19 AM
One of my blog got banned from adsense because of auto generated content issue but it is not, I wrote them all in my day. Is there any advice?
Clutch Bags | Feb 24, 2012 2:54 AM
I wish Google provided more detailed information instead of always needing to read between the lines!
Berg Canon | Apr 20, 2012 9:20 AM
Here's a good article I wrote about the recent Adsense bans http://howtodaytrade.biz/googles-adsense-ban-doesnt-add-up/
Paul | May 11, 2012 10:18 AM
If you have had your adsense account disabled, and got the notice from google, you will need to make changes to your site, and then file an appeal here
Appeal your Adsense Ads Disabled

This may result in several automated emails coming back to you.
There will be an Issue ID in the subject, make sure when you hit reply to this message you preserve this Issue ID so they can track things.

Be Polite, it may take a month of back and forth, before a real person emails you with more tips. 
aragt | Nov 17, 2012 6:16 AM
the adsense ads has been disable for my site aragt.com and after making changes to all my site page i did not recieve and response from google
can i re contact the adsense team again?
inforesmi.com | Sep 3, 2014 7:47 AM

I also got my blog re-enabled, the ads start to appearing, but i don't see the report??? Any though?

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