WhiteSites Blog

3 Months with Verizon Wireless, Results

Posted on Oct 19, 2021 by Paul White

So its been just over 3 months since I switched from Google Fi to Verizon Wireless.  One this is clear.  There is a huge difference on Verizon.  My entire life I have assumed the spotty coverage, dropped calls, poor audio quality, and inconsistent speeds were just a fact of life with cell phones.  I didn't expect much more when I switched to Verizon, with the exception of a more expensive bill.

The Results

So yeah my family's cell phone bill has pretty much doubled.  But we also went from pay per GB for data which meant we were misers on data usage, to unlimited data with Verizon.  We even get up to 15 GB of HotSpot data at no additional charge.  So now instead of worrying how will hotspoting to my phone affect my bill I am able to freely surf without worry.  The biggest difference is my phone works everywhere.  At the Gym,  at the high school pools.  And the signal has been strong and reliable.  


If you are broke poor where pinching every penny is going to affect your ability to feed your family, stick with one of the pay as you go carriers like Google Fi.   But if you have the income and the price of dropped calls, unreliable data coverage is costing you productivity then just get with verizon.  Honestly its been one of the best business decisions I have ever made.  

Update 2/14/2022

Its been almost 4 months now since I originally posted this.  Just wanted to update everyone, that both my Google Pixel 5 and my wife's Google Pixel 5 are still both working perfectly with Verizon. This was after bring them from Google Fi.  Originally their staff was worried that they might stop working after a few days or weeks.  Also wanted to update everyone.  No dropped calls for 4 months.  And my data coverage has been excellent.  Full 5G coverage in places were Google Fi would have no coverage, like High School Pools and Gyms.  

Update 9/6/2023

Over 18 months later and both our phones are still working great on Verizon's network.  The speed and coverage is still excellent everywhere. 

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    Paul | Feb 19, 2024 8:42 AM

    Hey Justin,  I am not a paid blogger.  Yes Verizon is expensive, especially back in the day.  That was the reason I never used them before.  I have been with AT&T, Tmobile, and Sprint.  Most recently TMobile via Google Fi.  Years ago cost was the most important thing, and that pretty much means Verizon would never be an option for me.  But as Cell Phone plans got cheaper, and my needs for a more reliable network became more important, cost was less of a factor.  I used to spend only $50 / month total for 2 lines.  Then we got my son a cell phone and our bill was now closer to $80.  But dropped calls and data not working inside buildings, finally made me try verizon.  Now my bill is about $180 / month for 3 lines,  But having my data work everywhere and be fast, was worth the extra cost to me.  I work in IT / software engineering.  At moments notice I need to be able to hotspot and get online with my laptop.  With verizon this is possible.  With other carriers its spotty at best.  Granted I speak from my own experience, in the Houston Area, and Nebraska.  I am sure in different parts of the country network coverage by other carriers might be better at which point verizion is not a good value.  Where I live, its the only option.  Even if a carrier was going to give me unlimited everything for $10 / month, I would still turn it down, as the first time I can't get online, or I drop a call,  I am loosing money.

    By the way I agree with your views on our government wasting money, and having the wrong priorities.  I think people need to serve on the front lines to really understand that.  Else they go back to endlessly scrolling through social media where they live vicariously through Feel good videos, that gives them the false sense of happiness and destroys any motivation to go out in the world and produce.  

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