WhiteSites Blog

Files missing after chkdsk in Windows 7

Dec 14, 2011 by Paul White

If you are reading, then its likely that you recently ran chkdsk ( check disk ) and after it was done you found that many of your files were missing.  Recently my computer told me to run chkdsk because there were problems with my 2TB SATA hard drive.  Afterwards many of my files were missing. However don't worry, most of your files are still there, just look for a directory on the root of your hard drive called found.000 ( its hidden ). 

37918 Visitors

What CSS rules work with All Email Clients

Dec 14, 2011 by Paul White

Recently one of my clients alerted me that the HTML newsletter I built for them is not displaying correctly on outlook 2010.  So with a little research I had to figure out the best way to rebuild the newsletter to ensure it displays consistently with all email clients.  If you are a developer that is used to using box model designs ( div tags ), then you might want to rethink that approach.  Here are my findings.

4853 Visitors
Super Talent Pico C USB Flash Drive Review and Benchmarks

Super Talent Pico C USB Flash Drive Review and Benchmarks

Nov 18, 2011 by Paul White

I finally decided that my old USB flash drive was taking up a little too much bulk in my pocket.  That and I was close to maxing out its 8GB capacity.  So I upgraded to a Super Talent Pico C USB Flash Drive.  This is by far the smallest USB drive available ( That I know of ).  It also comes in Chrome, Silver, and 24K gold plated finishes.  Bling and Nerd Credit come together.  I know the question many are asking.  Is it all show and no go?  I put both my old drive and my new drive through some benchmarks for comparison. 

8127 Visitors
How to setup 301 Redirects in IIS 7 for good SEO

How to setup 301 Redirects in IIS 7 for good SEO

Nov 14, 2011 by Paul White

Everybody knows that in order to properly preserve Google Page Rank when you are moving a page on a site, you need to perform a 301 Redirect to the new page, as this tells search engines this is a permanent move, and to record it into their index.  However few people realize the additional problem of duplicate content across multiple domains.  So if you have both your domain and your www subdomain pointing at the same site, its likely that google is penalizing you for this. So in this article I show you how to properly setup a website with multiple domains using IIS 7.5 and 301 redirects for good SEO.

32348 Visitors
What would make Windows 8 Great

What would make Windows 8 Great

Nov 8, 2011 by Paul White

Lets pretend for a second that Steve Ballmer was hog tied and thrown into a closet, and you were given free reign to make the next version of Windows Look the way you want.  Here are some of my suggestions for Microsoft.

3629 Visitors

ABCPDF component HTML render is blank solution

Nov 7, 2011 by Paul White

Recently I had to migrate one of my clients from their VPS to my colocated box.  The Old box was windows Server 2003, and my server was Windows Server 2008 R2.  However after migrating the first of several sites, I noticed the ABCPDF component was not working properly.  Any request to generate a PDF would error with "HTML render is blank".  If you are in the same situation, then I have a fix.

18613 Visitors

Pinch to Zoom not working on some websites

Nov 6, 2011 by Paul White

Recently I was working on a new website for a client.  When I got close to completion I checked to see how it looked across various browsers ( Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera ).  All looked great, then I tried to view it on my HTC Sensation ( Android 2.3.7 ).  Normally when pulling up a website on my cell phone the browser will zoom out to fit the entire website into the width of the screen.  Then you can drag the view around and use pinch to zoom to zoom into places you want to actually read.  However on this new site I couldn't get it working.  The solution was very easy.  Click for details.

4588 Visitors
Sexy Strippers at Houston Haunted Houses

Sexy Strippers at Houston Haunted Houses

Oct 20, 2011 by Paul White

Hot Sexy Zombie Dancers.  Terror Dome has them on Saturday Nights.  Other Houston Haunted Houses don't.  So when you are waiting in line at one of those other attractions, just remember you could have been waiting in line at Terror Dome.  Enjoying a live DJ, and full body airbrushed Sexy Dancers.  Guys this is the closest thing you will ever get to having a Stripclub and Haunted House in one.  Get your picture taken with them.  Bring your dollars! : ). 

7197 Visitors

No more charging sales tax on Website Hosting in Texas

Oct 13, 2011 by Paul White

The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts emailed me yesterday with a update of changes to the Texas State Tax Codes.  As I glanced down this 16 page PDF, I noticed House Bill 1841 ( Effective Immediately ) Use of Internet Hosting Does Not Create Nexus.

"This bill provides that a person whose only activity in this state is as a user of Internet hosting is not engaged in business in Texas."

This tells me that I no longer have to charge sales tax to my out of state clients who host their websites with me.  Awesome!  However don't take my word for it.  Texas Tax code is rather complex, and I plan to call tomorrow and ask the Texas Comptroller myself. 

14100 Visitors
The Wildest Halloween Party in Houston for 2011

The Wildest Halloween Party in Houston for 2011

Oct 6, 2011 by Paul White

So Halloween is upon us.  For those of you guys who are not in the lifestyle, this likely means that your wife or girlfriend has agreed to be seen in public this one time dressed like a fetish stripper all in the name of Halloween.  This is a special night guys.  This is not the night to take her to a typical party where every single male will likely giver her plenty of unwanted sexual harassment. This is likley to turn her off, and quickly destroy every hope you had of fulling your fantasy of doing your girl in that outfit at the end of the night.  If you want the wildest ( yet respectful ) Halloween Party in Houston( For Couples ), then attend the Halloween party at the Ritz Cabaret.  Many people might be curious as to how wild this party will get, so I have put together a small QNA to help address some of the concerns.

If you already know you want to be part of the Wildest Halloween Party in Houston, check out the Desirousparty website.

6366 Visitors