WhiteSites Blog
GPU miners vs USB ASIC Miners for Bitcoin

GPU miners vs USB ASIC Miners for Bitcoin

Jul 17, 2013 by Paul White

When you first start getting into the bitcoin mining business, you have two choices to make.  Should I build a GPU based system with several graphics cards, or should I just buy a bunch of USB ASIC Block Erupters?  The Answer lies in how commited you want to be to mining bitcoin, and how much faith you have in this crypto currency.
79816 Visitors

The only way to win at Bitcoin is to Program your own FPGA

Jul 15, 2013 by Paul White

I just can't stop thinking about Bitcoin.  Its sounds great doesn't it.  You just run some software 247 and you make money.  But I have come ot the conclusion that the only way to get rich with Bitcoin is to take things into your own hands.
9446 Visitors
Is Bitcoin still profitable with ASIC miners?

Is Bitcoin still profitable with ASIC miners?

Jul 12, 2013 by Paul White

When I first heard about the crypto currency.  My first thought was biggest ponzi scheme ever.  But after some research I have a better understanding of how it works.  I even have started mining for bitcoin just for fun.  But the biggest question you have to ask  yourself.  Can you really make money mining for Bitcoin?
17055 Visitors