WhiteSites Blog

Server Colocation and Cloud Hosting Houston and Dallas

Oct 4, 2011 by Paul White

If you need a datacenter to colocate your hardware, or if you need a really fast cloud, then I can't say enough good things about FastPCNetworks.  I have colocated my server with them for about 1 1/2 years.  The truth is you don't really know who you are hosting with until something goes wrong.  Its not how they treat you when everything is up and running. Its about how they treat you when things go down.  I have been with plenty of hosting companies.  Before I brought my server to FastPCNetworks, I had been on  Shared Hosting, VPS, dedicated, and cloud with some of the largest hosting companies in the world.  Eventually after dealing with terrible technical support, and some of the cheapest hardware, I decided that it was about time I build and colocate my own server.  At least that way when it goes down, I can fix it myself, instead of waiting for a ticket to make it to tech support days later.

3571 Visitors
Internap Houston Data Center Colocation Review

Internap Houston Data Center Colocation Review

Apr 13, 2011 by Paul White

After being colocated at Internap's Houston Datacenter with FastPCNet for 6 months I feel I have enough experience to give an honest review of the two companies, and their customer support.  So if you have a server and are trying to find a good great The Best datacenter to colocate it, Call John with Fast PC Networks.  He will get you taken care of.

7343 Visitors
moved my server to internap houston data center

moved my server to internap houston data center

Nov 6, 2010 by Paul White

At the end of September 2010, my old Data Center had some lease issues, resulting in the data connection being pulled from the data center.  So I moved my 1U rack server to Internap.  Many are wondering why I choose Internap, hopefully this blog will provide some answers.

6799 Visitors

Acronoc Closing Houston Data Center

Oct 4, 2010 by Paul White

As some of you might have noticed my website and blog were down for a few days between Sep 28, 2010 - Sep 30, 2010.  Both my website and my client's are hosted on my colocated server, that WAS colocated at Acronoc's Houston Datacenter.  To make a long story short my server is now colocated with Internap. Click for the longer version of this story.

4562 Visitors

Website Security Tip remove catch all bindings

May 23, 2010 by Paul White

A few months ago I noticed that one of my clients websites seemed to be getting spikes of traffic.  However with spikes in traffic most clients would report an increase in sales or business.  When looking at the stats server, the requests were for pages and files that were not even on the server, and were for technologies ( PHP ) that I do not run on m box.  If you see requests for files like /prx2.php, /phpmyadmin/config/config.inc.php, /roundcubemail/readme, or /webmail/readme.  You might want to read this article.

5064 Visitors

What sender score and IP reputation is really worth to your mail server

Feb 19, 2010 by Paul White

Most webmasters and server admins are relatively clueless as to what makes email really run.  Recently I was forced to migrate all my websites to new IPs.  I knew I was going to take a hit for this but I didn't realize how much.  This whole experience have given me a new perspective on how to get into yahoo's inbox with your bulk emails and newsletters.

10414 Visitors

Class C IP RBL blacklist not cool

Dec 5, 2009 by Paul White

Today I went through getting one of my new clients setup on the Feedback Loop with the major ISPs.  Most of the them came back saying I was approved to their feedback loop system, but one of them said I was not approved because I was found on an blacklist.  This is not something you want to see.  Allow me to explain.

4988 Visitors

Godaddy Dedicated Server Performance VS Colocated Server Performance

Nov 15, 2009 by Paul White

If you are thinking about getting a dedicated server with Godaddy because of their cheap prices, I understand. But how far will their server really take you?  After dealing with performance issues with godaddy with another client, I build my own server and colocated it.  Then I did some benchmarks comparing the two.  Huge difference. Click read to see the bench marks.

8068 Visitors

Why you should buy a server and Colocate

Oct 26, 2009 by Paul White

For years I setup my clients with shared hosting account with either HostMySite ( Hosting.com ) or Godaddy.  I stayed clear of colocating for several reasons, cost, and what if it breaks.  Well I finally got the confidence to colocate my own rack server, and I will say its one of the best decisions I have ever made.

6493 Visitors

Best server colocation in Houston

Oct 24, 2009 by Paul White

Today was proud day for me.  I colocated my first rack server in a datacenter.  The guys at the datacenter were very helpful. If anyone is needing to colocate a server in Houston I highly recommend Acronoc. 

4406 Visitors