WhiteSites Blog

How to get godaddy to work with custom 404 on multiple asp.net websites

Jul 27, 2009 by Paul White

If you have found this blog post, the chances are you have already searched the web for hours trying to figure this out.  Running a single website on godaddy is not a problem.  but once you start running multiple asp.net websites on your godaddy hosting account, and they all use custom 404 handling as part of URL rewriting you will run into problems. Here is how I made it work.

6915 Visitors

Protecting your website from Rogue Spiders

Apr 13, 2009 by Paul White

Recently one particular IP has been crawling one of my websites very fast.  If you are running static websites this might not be such a big deal, but when running complex dynamic websites, these spiders can kill your server's performance.  Here are some tips on managing the visitors to your website and stopping the bad ones.

2059 Visitors

FireBug is the must have Addon for Developers

Feb 17, 2009 by Paul White

Just wanted to share this with other developer who might be starting out and getting lost in CSS.  The FireBug addon for Firefox is the best tool for finding bugs in your CSS referencing.

3207 Visitors

CSS sibling IE 6 problems

Feb 16, 2009 by Paul White

I can across a discovery today that will forever change the way I built websites.  Basically if you like using the sibling referencing in your CSS style sheets, then you websites might look really messed up on IE 6 and older. Read more for the details

4221 Visitors

How to measure your keyword density

Dec 26, 2008 by Paul White

Since none of the search engines publish the exact keyword densities they look for, nor do they publish how they come to calculating the figure. I have set forth to determine a logical way to making this calculation.  If you every wanted to know how you can do your own calculation by code, read on.

3700 Visitors

Best program for converting videos to FLV

Dec 21, 2008 by Paul White

Video Encoder for FlashFlash is by far the best format for streaming videos on your website.  Thanks to YouTube the FLV format has become almost in industry standard.  Now that you know you want flash, you have to pick a program to do your encoding.  I tried many, and recently I came across one program that blew the rest away. Sothink Flash Video Encoder is the best FLV encoder I have ever used.  Read more for details and link

3338 Visitors

Adobe ditches ASP.NET Support in Dreamweaver CS4

Dec 20, 2008 by Paul White

dream weaver logo cs4I first started making websites using frontpage, then I started using dreamweaver, and life was good.  This was back in the days when dreamweaver was run by macromedia.  Back when Dreamweaver was in version 4.0 ( way back ).  Well on the latest release of CS4 I guess Adobe decided that it was better to not provide any support for .NET guys like myself than to provide support for older ASP.NET 1.1 components.  I recently updated to CS4 only to discover this after the fact.  To say the lease it was not a good day.

10131 Visitors

MySQL 5.1 dump files won't restore on MySQL 5.0

Dec 19, 2008 by Paul White

MySQL DB serverIf you are using MySQL 5.1 ( the latest and greatest stable version as of this posting ) then you are sure to learn the hard way that the dump files from a MySQL 5.1 DB do not restore to a MySQL 5.0 installation.  Of course when you go to MySQL's website they don't give you a very straight forward answer.  Her is the easy fix for this issue.

6191 Visitors

What are good email characters?

Dec 17, 2008 by Paul White

If you search for this on google you will find long drawn out explanations of how to validate email addresses.  How about just an answer?  I have the answer, or at least my definition of an answer.

2401 Visitors

Most Software still does not Utilize Multicore Chips

Dec 14, 2008 by Paul White

Normally when you upgrade your computer to some new wild multicore chip, as I did with the Intel i7.  You would expect some dramatic performance results.  Unfortunately it would seem that most software was not written to take advantage of the multiple cores.  Read more for an in depth rant about software and the intel i7

4505 Visitors