Apr 2, 2018 by Paul White
Just a little advice for you guys out there that might over load your washer.... Don't! I learned this the hardway when our LG Washer grenaded itself during the spin cycle. What wonder piece of laundry was responsible for this? Our water proof mattress protector. Let me explain.
Oct 29, 2015 by Paul White
I have a UPS, but after a few years the batteries no longer held a charge, and I have yet to buy new batteries for it. That and with my Workstation putting it under a 500 watt load, it only gave me 10 minutes of power at best. So being I have had good luck with reliable power from my local utility I decided to not use it anymore. Then today I lost power. Naturally you loose power when you are in the middle of something important. Thankfully some recent purchases for another project saved the day. Here is my redneck solution to backup power.
Aug 5, 2012 by Paul White
Today I replaced the toilet in my master bath. After sitting a little too long on the can, my right leg fell asleep. I thought I would stand up and walk it off, but I was wrong. I lost my balance fell backwards shattering my Toilet Tank, causing a nice 3 gallon flood. So the next day I bought a new toilet and installed it myself. One of the easiest projects I have ever done. I have included photos of the before and afters.
15371 Visitors
Feb 2, 2010 by Paul White
If you live in Pearland or Houston then you most likely are in theCenterpoint Energy Service area. Even though right now your electricbill probably isn't the top of your worries, come summer time you willsurely be wishing you had a low fixed rate. I just got done with my 12month contract with Stream Energy. After some googling I found a staterun site that displays all the power companies and their rates. Notsure who's idea this was, but I applaud the idea. For once I am a hugesupporter of the government getting involved. The rates displayed onthis blog were AS OF March 10th, 2010 ( I updated them recently ). Keep in mind these rates may change often, so be sure to check back atpowertochoose.org. Just think what would happen to the cost ofhealthcare if a similar site was created. I switched to BrilliantEnergy, and got my rate locked in at 10.7 cents/ KWH for 12 months. Now it appears rates go for as low as 10.6 Cents / KWH for 12 monthfixed. There were cheaper rates but the last thing I want is to comeout of contract in the middle of summer, then have to renew when its100 degrees outside. A buddy of mind did the month by month thing, andthe result was it was cheap in the winter months, but they raised hisrates to 26 cents / KWH in the summer. Its a good idea to lock in yourrate in the winter when rates are low.
Keep in mind these priceswere based on my zip code of 77584. ( Pearland, Texas ). But I suspectthe rates won't vary much for other nearby Houston zipcodes. So if youlive anywhere in Houston, These rates might apply to you as well.
Nov 11, 2009 by Paul White
With the Holidays approaching, focus is moving towards decorations and food. We have a Sunbeam Bread Maker that we haven't used in a while. I decided that I wanted to try my hand at Baking ( if you can really call it that ). But the real question is how much money do I save by making my own pumpkin bread, rather than buying it for $2.50 / slice at starbucks.
May 18, 2009 by Paul White
I have done everything possible reduce my home's energy consuption. But we have not yet made the investment to start producing our own energy via solar or wind. Considering Obama's 30% tax credit, It might be time to abandon the stock market and build a wind farm in your backyard. I am surely considering it.
12574 Visitors
Feb 13, 2009 by Paul White
I recently asked myself this question. Should I replace all or some of the incandescent bulbs in my house with the newer Flourscent ones? Or should I spend the big bucks and replace them with LED bulbs? I did a little research to determine the cost savings of each. Some would think the savings aren't that great, but the truth is they are alot bigger than you think.
Article Updated 4/16/201220 Comments
35513 Visitors
Jan 7, 2009 by Paul White
For years our family has used Farmers insurance. Our Farmers Agent here in Pearland, TX is a great guy, but with the recent rate increases I was left with no other choice but to start price shopping. Ultimately we moved to Geico. You won't believe how much we are saving. Click the read link for all the numbers and details.
Dec 10, 2008 by Paul White
Similar to back in the 1930s when we had the new deal to help create jobs, and get the country out of the great depression. Obama has a similar plan, but his plan involves green technologies. The plan is really simple. By upgrading government buildings ( military, schools, administrative ) with more energy efficent technologies ( lighting, heating, cooling ) we can decrease the long term opporating costs of the government, and at the same time we are creating demand for these new technologies which should increase the number of green jobs. Your former GM assembly worker might now find themselves working in a factory making solar panels. Read more for details
Sep 16, 2008 by Paul White
Its one thing to hear about a hurricane from CNN or FOX news. Its an entirely different thing to experience it first hand. Here are my reflections of the experience, what I would do different, and what I did right.