Apr 8, 2010 by Paul White
After months of dealing with low open rates with one of my biggest client's email lists, I have finally gotten to the point where I am willing to join return path's sender score verified program which is a paid whitelist to ensure delivery into the inbox. I will be documenting my experiences here for good or bad. Thus far the program is looking very promising
9179 Visitors
Feb 21, 2010 by Paul White
Yahoo runs one of the strictest Anti Spam setups of all the Free mail Servers. If you send any kind of bulk emails then you likely haven't had much success getting into the inbox of yahoo. Your Emails are either bounced with a deferred message like this Reason: Remote host said: 421 4.7.0 TS01 Messages from temporarily deferred due to user complaints - or they end up in the spam folder. After switching IPs of my mail server I had the opportunity to validate many of my theories on how Yahoo's AntiSpam technology works.
23073 Visitors
Feb 19, 2010 by Paul White
Most webmasters and server admins are relatively clueless as to what makes email really run. Recently I was forced to migrate all my websites to new IPs. I knew I was going to take a hit for this but I didn't realize how much. This whole experience have given me a new perspective on how to get into yahoo's inbox with your bulk emails and newsletters.
10501 Visitors
Feb 13, 2010 by Paul White
Verizon and AT&T yesterday started bounced emails from my server. This was very unexpected, as non of my websites do any kind of spam. A few of them do send a newsletter but this is to a double Opt in Maillist. Everyone getting the newsletter signed up for it. So in this blog I will chronicle my journey to get this resolved with both ISPs. If this turns out good, then fine. If it turns out bad, then at least I will have documented it for the rest of the world.
14941 Visitors
Nov 14, 2009 by Paul White
If you are are like me you have a strong belief that if you want it done right you have to do it yourself. Running a Mail Server that sends any kind of bulk emails brings many issues that noobie Server Admins don't have a clue about. I found there wasn't much information about how to properly run a mail server so I thought I would write a complete blog on the issue. So if you want to greatly increase your open rates, read this
6952 Visitors
Sep 28, 2009 by Paul White
If you recently migrated one of your domains to another box running smartermail 6 and you had a problem with email not displaying on the subfolders of your mailbox, then you need to read this blog
Aug 6, 2009 by Paul White
For Years Constant Contact has been an easy way for buisinesses to do their bulk emailing without any advanced programmer and server admin skills. Well I think Constant Contact may be in some trouble, as spammers have been using their servers do send spam. Read more for the details.
15111 Visitors
Aug 3, 2009 by Paul White
Even though there are companies that have clients on an international level, most in the USA, are not interested with selling their goods and services to people outside the USA. If you are one of these companies, that only cares about USA customers, then this blog might help you cut your server load, and Mail Server Load.
6735 Visitors
Apr 20, 2009 by Paul White
Recently I have noticed that the open rates of a few of my client's newsletters are going down. This is leading me to believe that most free mail servers are using yet another litmus test to detect and block spam. Unfortunately those of us with legit bulk emails campaigns are also feeling the pinch.
Dec 21, 2008 by Paul White
Flash is by far the best format for streaming videos on your website. Thanks to YouTube the FLV format has become almost in industry standard. Now that you know you want flash, you have to pick a program to do your encoding. I tried many, and recently I came across one program that blew the rest away. Sothink Flash Video Encoder is the best FLV encoder I have ever used. Read more for details and link