Sep 23, 2009 by Paul White
Not sure why by it seems that IE 7 if you have a DIV and you put something inside it like another DIV or an Image, then you float that item, the item will overlap the bottom of the container div. The fix was very easy but for some it may not work depending on your design. The solution was to assign a width to the container div. This might explain why most newer sites are using fixed width layouts to fit a 1024 display. So if you wan to make the switch to table less layouts, you might need to rethink how you build websites.
Aug 14, 2009 by Paul White
If you have ever ran into the problem of having your floated elements not line up correctly in IE6, and you have already tried all the other suggestions like display:inline; clear:both; position:relative; I have a solution, although you may not like it.
Aug 11, 2009 by Paul White
There come a time when every developer plays an game of cat and mouse with CSS. Its not so much the CSS but figuring out how to make it look the same in IE 6, as IE 7 and Firefox. Well I came across one of these moments tonight. Very interesting discovery.
Feb 17, 2009 by Paul White
Just wanted to share this with other developer who might be starting out and getting lost in CSS. The FireBug addon for Firefox is the best tool for finding bugs in your CSS referencing.
Feb 16, 2009 by Paul White
I can across a discovery today that will forever change the way I built websites. Basically if you like using the sibling referencing in your CSS style sheets, then you websites might look really messed up on IE 6 and older. Read more for the details
4263 Visitors
Aug 25, 2008 by Paul White
Even though this has been known with webmasters for sometime, Here I go over a few of the reasons why you can significantly increase your google ranking by using websites based on CSS
4126 Visitors
May 27, 2008 by Paul White
I was fighting some design issues on my client's new site. But I found some CSS code that did the trick. I guess the trick is to reset all your tags inside your CSS before starting to implement your own custom attributes. If you have been struggling with getting your CSS to look the same on both your firefox and IE 7 pages. This code snippet will do the trick.
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